Improved (breaking changes)
- Retry only for error codes 429 and 529 (#108).
Existing approach retries calling the SSL Labs API for a given host when the returned status_code is not 200. In this release, the retry will only apply for the following error codes:- 429 - client request rate too high or too many new assessments too fast
- 529 - the service is overloaded
- Updated unit tests to support SSL Labs API v3 (#109)
- Updated to build and test also with Python 3.10, drop Python 3.6 (#110).
- Renamed ReleaseNotes.md to CHANGELOG.md.
- Updated README.md with sample console output.
- Fixed badge link to codecov (default branch changed from
previously) in README
- Added a standalone script ssllabsscan/export_response.py to export the response payload of a single request to request to https://api.ssllabs.com/api/v3/analyze for a host, in json format.
- Added pull request template .github/pull_request_template.md.
- Added badge link to CodeQL in README
See also CHANGELOG for details.