FlutterEase is built atop of social media platforms and social sharing platforms.
Examples of social media platforms/communicating systems include:-
- Slack
- Discord
- IRC Channels
Example of social sharing platforms:-
- Medium
- StackOverflow
- Dev.to
- TIL (Hashrocker, Kaiwern, Reddit)
The idea was to basically create a platform for users to be able to read any developer related news.
For example, the Top Posts would consist of posts regarding Flutter questions and tips & tricks.
An example of that could be: What you didn't know about Flutter's Navigations!
or How to set global keys?
and so on.
Posts would get Upvotes
and that is judged by the community. The highest upvotes will make it to the Top Posts of the day.
The main concept is just to let new and experienced developers connect like in Discord or Slack as a community to help newcomers and give tips and tricks to those that did not know the many features of Flutter or any development stacks.