pushflux - writes data to an InfluxDB from your logs
is a script that pushes (writes) data to InfluxDB from log files.
It's intended to give bash scripts, Perl scripts, or anything that can write to
the file system, a simple way of writing data to InfluxDB.
You write your influx line (must be using the Line
Protocol) to a
file in the monitored folder location, and sit back and relax as pushflux
writes the data. pushflux
monitors the folder /var/lib/pushflux
by default
for any files that have changed in the last x
mins (2 mins by default).
The folder layout and file extension (*.log
by default) is important, as
that's how pushflux
knows where to write the data, and which files to monitor
# expected path format
# writes to
# bash example
$ echo "mymeasurement,domain=pushflux.org value=1 $(date +%s%N)" >> /var/lib/pushflux/
If there is a problem writing to the InfluxDB (as in it doesn't get a 200 response) it will retry at the next pass.
The following options can be set.
my $buffer = '100'; # flush buffer to influx after $buffer lines
my $mmin = '-2'; # find files modified in last 2 mins
my $monitor = '/var/lib/pushflux'; # folder to monitor
my $monitor_ext = 'log'; # file extension to include in pushes
my $symlinks = '-L'; # find will follow symlinks
has been tested on Debian only, but should work on any OS with Perl
5.10.1 and higher.
# clone the repo
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/kwakwaversal/pushflux.git /opt/pushflux
# set up required to make pushflux work
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/run/pushflux
$ sudo chmod 777 /var/run/pushflux
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/pushflux
$ sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/pushflux
is intended to by run as a cronjob every minute.
# m h dom mon dow
* * * * * /opt/pushflux/bin/pushflux