Welcome to my page! I'm Kaibo Tang.
I currently work as a reserach assistant at the UNC BRAIN Lab at the Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC) at UNC Chapel Hill. My work at UNC focuses mainly on developing infant-dedicated deep learning tools for image registration and volumetric atlas construction for the early developing brain.
I'm also a visiting student at the Advanced MR Acquisition Lab at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital. My work at the Martinos Center focuses on developing deep learning reconstruction and accelerated acquisition methods to achieve fast and robust mesoscale diffusion MRI in vivo.
I'm looking for a Ph.D. position in Biophysics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and/or Biomedical Engineering starting in Fall 2025. Feel free to checkout my homepage and my Curriculum Vitae.