WordPress setting field functions to output different type of fields.
Name: Kuuak\WordPressSettingFields\Fields::text
name | type | mandatory | Description |
type | string | false | Optional. HTML input type attribute or textarea . Default: text |
id | string | false | Optional. Id attribute for the input. Default. the name argument |
name | string | true | Name of the input |
value | string | false | Optional. Current value of the input |
required | boolean | false | Optional. Whether the input is required. Default false |
placeholder | string | false | Optional. |
attrs | array | false | Optional. Extra html atrributes for the input. Attributes' name are the keys of the associative array. |
help | string | false | Optional. Help / description |
Example of usage
add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
__('My setting', 'my-setting-domain'),
'label_for' => 'my-setting-id',
'name' => 'my-setting-name',
'value' => 'Value',
'help' => 'This is a text to help the user to understand the setting',
'attrs' => [
'class' => 'large-text'
} );
Name: Kuuak\WordPressSettingFields\Fields::dropdown
name | type | mandatory | Description |
id | string | false | Optional. Id attribute for the dropdown. Default. the name argument |
name | string | true | Name of the dropdown |
multiple | boolean | false | Optional. Define if multiple options can be selected in the list. |
selected | string | string[] | false |
required | boolean | false | Optional. Whether the dropdown is required. Default false |
show_option_all | string | false | Optional. Text to display for showing all items. Default empty. |
options | Array | true | Array of dropdown items. Items with keys value & title . |
placeholder | string | false | |
help | string | false | Optional. Help / description. Default empty. |
echo | boolean | false | Optional. Whether to echo or return the generated markup. Default true. |
Example of usage
add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
__('My setting', 'my-setting-domain'),
'label_for' => 'my-setting-id',
'name' => 'my-setting-name',
'selected' => 'Value',
'options' => [
[ 'value' => 'opt-1', 'title' => 'Option 1' ],
[ 'value' => 'opt-2', 'title' => 'Option 2' ],
[ 'value' => 'opt-3', 'title' => 'Option 3' ],
} );
Name: Kuuak\WordPressSettingFields\Fields::switch
name | type | mandatory | Description |
id | string | false | Optional. Id attribute for the input. Default. the name argument |
name | string | true | Name of the input |
checked | boolean | true | |
help | string | false | Optional. Help / description |
nice_ui | boolean | false | Optional. Display as a nicer ui. Default true. |
Example of usage
add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
__('My setting', 'my-setting-domain'),
'label_for' => 'my-setting-id',
'name' => 'my-setting-name',
'checked' => true,
} );
Name: Kuuak\WordPressSettingFields\Fields::post_type_dropdown
name | type | mandatory | Description |
query_args | array | false | WP_Query arguments. _See WP_Query::_construct() for accepted arguments |
name | string | true | Name of the dropdown |
selected | int | string | int[] |
required | boolean | false | Optional. Whether the dropdown is required. Default false |
placeholder | string | false | Optional. |
show_option_all | string | false | Optional. Option all label for the Multiple version. Default All |
help | string | false | Optional. Help / description |
echo | boolean | false | Optional. Either to print the dropdown or not. Default true. |
nice_ui | boolean | false | Optional. Display as a nicer ui. Default true. |
attrs | array | false | Optional. Extra html atrributes for the select input. Attributes' name are the keys of the associative array. |
Example of usage
add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
__('My setting', 'my-setting-domain'),
'label_for' => 'my-setting-id',
'name' => 'my-setting-name',
'selected' => 254,
'query_args' => [
'post_type' => ['my-custome-post-type'],
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC',
'attrs' => [
'class' => 'large-text'
} );
Name: Kuuak\WordPressSettingFields\Fields::taxonomy_dropdown
_See WP_Term_Query::_construct() for information on additional accepted arguments
name | type | mandatory | Description |
name | string | true | Name of the dropdown |
taxonomy | string | true | Name of the taxonomy to |
selected | int | string | int[] |
required | boolean | false | Optional. Whether the dropdown is required. Default false |
show_option_all | string | false | Optional. Option all label for the Multiple version. Default All |
hide_empty | string | false | Optional. Option all label |
help | string | false | Optional. Help / description |
echo | boolean | false | Optional. Either to print the dropdown or not. Default true. |
Example of usage
add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
__('My setting', 'my-setting-domain'),
'label_for' => 'my-setting-id',
'name' => 'my-setting-name',
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'selected' => 254,
} );
Name: Kuuak\WordPressSettingFields\Fields::pages_dropdown
See get_pages() for additional arguments
name | type | mandatory | Description |
name | string | true | Name of the dropdown |
selected | int | string | false |
required | boolean | false | Optional. Whether the dropdown is required. Default false |
help | string | false | Optional. Help / description. Default empty |
echo | boolean | false | Optional. Either to print the dropdown or not. Default true. |
Example of usage
add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
__('My setting', 'my-setting-domain'),
'label_for' => 'my-setting-id',
'name' => 'my-setting-name',
'selected' => 25,
} );
Name: Kuuak\WordPressSettingFields\Fields::button
name | type | mandatory | Description |
id | string | false | Optional. Id attribute for the button. Default. the name argument |
name | string | true | Name of the button |
label | string | true | Label of the button |
variant | string | false | Optional. Variant of the button. primary or secondary . Default secondary |
action | array | false | Action data |
action.name | string | true | Action name |
action.value | string | true | Action value |
wrapper_attrs | array | false | Optional. Extra html atrributes for the wrapper. Attributes' name are the keys of the associative array. |
help | string | false | Optional. Help / description. Default empty |
Example of usage
add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
__('My setting', 'my-setting-domain'),
'label_for' => 'my-setting-id',
'name' => 'my-setting-name',
'label' => 'Register now',
} );
- Fix post_type_dropdown selected
- Fix dropdowns placeholder
- Improve post_type_dropdown props to include attrs
- Add post_type_dropdown field #4
- Add switch nice ui styles #2
- Fix dropdown selected prop #5
- Fix readme descriptions #1
- Fix Select2 not inited for multi-dropdown
- Initial release