This package has been initiated using
Enhanced form components, inspired by formik, designed to work with server generated forms by Ruby on Rails
Should be used in pair with k-form-rb
This package belongs to Kundigo and it's supposed to remain private and to be used in kundigo's projects. Add this package to package.json
"k-form-js": "git+",
Then import the components you need in your Rails App.
// in general you should only require to import FormStore
import { FormStore} from 'k-form-js'
// if needed, you can import the other components
import { CheckBox, Date, Datetime, Field, Form, Select, Textarea} from 'k-form-js'
// file : app/javascript/controllers/vuejs_forms_controller.js
import { Controller } from "stimulus"
import { FormStore } from 'k-form-js'
// OPTIONAL: import a custom vuex plugin that allows adding additional behaviour
// import plugin from 'path/to/plugin'
// OPTIONAL: use custom components
// import CustomComponent from 'path/to/plugin'
export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
const serializedValues = this.element.dataset.values || "{}";
const validationUrl = this.element.dataset.validationUrl
let values = JSON.parse(serializedValues);
let authenticityToken = this.element.querySelector("input[name='authenticity_token']").value
const app = new FormStore({
authenticityToken: authenticityToken,
additionalComponents: {
// 'x-custom_component': CustomComponent
}, // optional
// plugin
], // optional
element: this.element.firstElementChild,
validationUrl: validationUrl,
values: values,
Then in the vue we can do something similar to the following lines:
<%= content_tag :div,
data: {
controller: "vuejs-forms",
values: { interest: form_object.to_builder.attributes! }, // mandatory
validation_url: validate_interest_path(@commodity.key) // mandatory
} do %>
<%= bs4_vue_form_with model: @model, scope: :model_name, url: interest_form_url(interest, @commodity), local: false do |form| %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
# Updating
Updating the package:
* Make the updates to the components
* When adding new components, update `` and `src/lib-components/modal.js`
* Bump the version in `package.json`
* run the command `npm run build`
* commit and push changes
Get the updates in your Rails app
* Run : `yarn upgrade k-form`
* Note : You can use another branch in you app, by replacing `master` with the name of the branch in the rails apps `package.json`
# Testing
Since this library relies heavily on hooking on forms generated by rails apps, tests will be done later in a dummy application using feature tests.