- React for the base setup of the project
- Redux toolkit for store actions
- React router dom for routing
- Tailwind CSS for styles
- Toggle Sidebar
- Live YouTube search bar by using YouTube search api
- Reduce the API call by caching it for future use
- Implemented Autocomplete functionality in the search bar
- Live YouTube video feed by using YouTube video feed API
- Embed video play by React-player on the watch page by clicking on the home page listed feed videos
- Nested comments
- Side Video card panel
system on the watch page, user can do live Anonymous chat using hereAPI Polling method
- Live chat hide & show toggling
- Shimmer UI effect
- Toggle to Read more large description
- Add Infinite scroll on the home page to show pagination data
- Add scroll to top button on the home page to move smoothly on the top
- Get specific video Channel info by clicking on channel Name
- Get specific video top level comments
- Get search videos results by typing a head
- Implement show videos History and remove them from history functionality
- Handle Custom error 404 page for error handling
- Mobile responsive