Jobeet2Bundle is the well known day by day tutorial for symfony 1.4 ported to Symfony2.
git clone git:// src/Application/Jobeet2Bundle
To start using the bundle, initialize the bundle in your kernel. This file is usually located at app/AppKernel:
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Application\Jobeet2Bundle\Jobeet2Bundle(),
Add the Application namespace to your autoloader
// app/autoload.php
// ...
'Application' => __DIR__.'/../src',
resource: "@Jobeet2Bundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /job
SensioFrameworkExtraBundle <-NOT USED RIGHT NOW
app/console install:assets web --symlink
Modify config.yml to your doctrine configuration
## Doctrine Configuration
dbname: symfony2-jobeet
user: root
password: xxxxxxxx
logging: %kernel.debug%
auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
Jobeet2Bundle: ~
Modify Resources/orm.xml to your connection if multiple connections
<!-- Object Manager Service -->
<service id="jobeet2.object_manager" alias="doctrine.orm.myConnection_entity_manager" />
or default connection if only one
<!-- Object Manager Service -->
<service id="jobeet2.object_manager" alias="doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager" />
create the database schema running the following commands
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
Load data fixtures
php app/console doctrine:data:load
Make sure the web folder is document root and visit the site:
or http://localhost/web/app_dev.php/job
Add following lines to your config.yml to customize your application
max_jobs_on_homepage : 15
max_jobs_on_category : 20
active_days: 30
or leave as default
jobeet2: ~
Don't ask, just fork it and enhance it. Any commit/comments will be welcome!!
Hope it helps!!