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Apache KIE SonataFlow and Kogito Snapshot Images Publishing

Ricardo Zanini edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 1 revision

This document describes the publishing process of Apache KIE SonataFlow and Kogito images used in the OSL Platform.

Upstream and Midstream Relationship

This repository is a fork of Apache KIE Tools and serves Kogito Images, SonataFlow Operator, and SonataFlow Images. The core SonataFlow libraries, which implement the workflow runtimes, along with the Kogito platform applications such as Data Index and Jobs Service, are located in Apache KIE Kogito Runtimes and Kogito Apps. Consequently, any changes affecting the core runtimes or platform apps are tied to those repositories, not this one.

The Kogito Runtimes and Apps repositories release snapshots weekly. The upstream KIE Tools repository manually updates this snapshot version as needed, typically on a monthly basis. Our midstream fork of KIE Tools synchronizes with upstream every week via this workflow. However, the synchronization does not necessarily include the latest Kogito Runtimes and Apps updates, as it reflects the monthly updates from upstream.

We maintain alignment with upstream's snapshot update schedule and do not deviate from this pacing.

Pushing SonataFlow Images Based on a Specific Kogito Snapshot Version

Since the automated image publishing process does not account for weekly Kogito Runtimes and Apps snapshots, you can manually trigger the Images Publishing Pipeline to publish images for a specific snapshot version.

To initiate the image publishing workflow, wait for the corresponding Kogito Runtimes tag to be published. Once the pipeline completes, the images will be available on Kubesmarts Quay under the specified Kogito SNAPSHOT version.


When triggering the image publishing pipeline, ensure the tag version includes the -SNAPSHOT suffix.

Workflow Overview

                  │           Weekly Snapshots (Maven Libs)                                  
                  │         ┌───────────────────────────────┐                                
                  │         │                               │                                
                  │ ┌───────┴───────────┐         ┌─────────┴────────┐                       
                  │ │                   │         │                  │                       
                  │ │                   │         │                  │                       
                  │ │  KOGITO-RUNTIMES  │         │   KOGITO-APPS    │                       
                  │ │                   │         │                  │                       
                  │ │                   │         │                  │                       
                  │ └───────┬───────────┘         └─────────┬────────┘                       
                  │         │                               │                                
                  │         └───────────────┬───────────────┘                                
         UPSTREAM │                         │                                                
                  │                         │ On-demand upgrade (usually monthly)            
                  │                         │                                                
                  │                         ▼                                                
                  │                ┌─────────────────┐                                       
                  │                │                 │                                       
                  │                │                 │                                       
                  │                │    KIE-TOOLS    │                                       
                  │                │                 │                                       
                  │                │                 │                                       
                  │                └────────┬────────┘                                       
                  └──                       │                                                
                                            │ Weekly Automatic Sync                          
                                   │                 │                                       
                                   │                 │                                       
                                   │   KUBESMARTS    │                                       
                                   │                 │                                       
                                   │                 │                                       
                                            │ Weekly Image Publishing                        
                On-demand based    ┌─────────────────┐                                       
                on SNAPSHOTs       │                 │                                       
                versions upstream  │                 │                                       
                publishing         │  QUAY REGISTRY  │                                       
                                   │                 │                                       
                ───────────────►   │                 │                                       

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