This repo extends sklearn.mixture.BayesianGaussianMixture to support weighted training examples.
Complies with
is a vector, same length asX
. It must be>=1
corresponding to duplicates or counts of observations otherwise the GMM model does not make sense.
import numpy as np
from dpm.dpgmm import WeightedDPGMM
# make some data
num_clusters = 10
N = 200
x_means = 20 * np.random.rand(1, num_clusters, 2) - 10
y = np.random.randint(num_clusters, size=N)
x = .08 * np.random.randn(N, 1, 2)
temp = np.zeros((N, num_clusters, 1))
temp[np.arange(N), y, :] = 1
x = (x + x_means * temp).sum(1)
sample_weight = np.random.randint(1, 50, size=len(x))
# train the model
model = WeightedDPGMM(n_components=20, max_iter=1000, verbose=1)
yhat = model.fit_predict(x, sample_weight=sample_weight)
Distribution over 20 trials. As we expect, each iteration is proportional to the number of samples. So if we bin the input then we get a speed up. More input points and larger bin sizes result in more gains (with loss of accuracy obvi).
This is with the following model parameters: max_iter=1000, tol=1e-6, covariance_type="diag"
from timeit import timeit
tol = 1e-6
num_iters = 1000
cov_type = "diag"
def run_model(x,w,seed):
model = WeightedDPGMM(n_components=20, verbose=0, max_iter=num_iters, tol=tol, covariance_type=cov_type,random_state=seed)
labels = model.fit_predict(x, sample_weight=w)
def run_model_unweighted(x,seed):
model = BayesianGaussianMixture(n_components=20, verbose=0, max_iter=num_iters, tol=tol, covariance_type=cov_type,random_state=seed)
labels = model.fit_predict(x)
def time_model(x,w=None,kind="weighted",number = 1, seed = None):
if kind == "weighted":
dt = timeit(lambda: run_model(x,w,seed),number=number)
dt = timeit(lambda: run_model_unweighted(x,seed),number=number)
return dict(dt = dt/number, kind=kind, size = len(x))
out = []
r = 0
x_df = make_data()
for i in tqdm.trange(50):
for num_points in tqdm.tqdm(np.logspace(3,4,30),leave=False):
x_sample = x_df.sample(int(num_points))
x = x_sample.loc[:,["x","y"]].values
o = time_model(x,w=None,kind="unweighted",seed= seed)
o["og_size"] = int(num_points)
x_df_rounded = x_sample.round(r).groupby(["x","y"]).size().to_frame("weight").reset_index()
x = x_df_rounded.loc[:,["x","y"]].values
w = x_df_rounded.loc[:,"weight"].values
o = time_model(x,w=w,kind="weighted",seed = seed)
o["og_size"] = int(num_points)