A composition Recycler-View adapter kotlin implementation inspired from the post here
The library reduces the boiler plate required to write a recyclerview
adapter with multiple viewTypes
This library can be downloaded from repository by adding the following into Android studio gradle file.
allProjects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
compile "com.github.ksughosh:CompositionAdapter:${latest_version}"
The latest_version
can be found under releases
The view types are handled as individual views and views are encapsulated within a delegate class that implements all the recycler view methods.
This would make each View
encapsulated as a delegate with the recyclerview adapter. This is also a data driven approach so view modelling can be handled directly with data.
Every model class should be of type ListItem
the example represents:
data class ModelForViewOne(isFeatured: Boolean, isTriggered: Boolean, title: String): ListItem
data class ModelForViewTwo(showTextView: Boolean, hideButton: Boolean, titleText: String): ListItem
Every on of these data classes must have an adjoining view class to which it is bound:
class MyLinearLayoutRecyclerViewItem(context: Context?) : BaseLinearHolder<ModelForViewOne>(context){
// inflate layout id
override onDataReady(data: ModelForViewOne){
// manipulate view from data
myTitleTextView?.text = data.titleText
myContentTextView?.text = data.contentText
class MyConstraintRecyclerViewItem(context: Context?): BaseConstraintHolder<ModelForViewTwo>(context) {
// inflate layout id
override onDataReady(data: ModelForViewTwo){
// manipulate view from data
myTextView?.text = data.titleText
Glide.with(this).load(data.imageUrl).into(myImageView) // load from Glide or Picasso
There are multiple available BaseHolder
classes that would facilitate the construction of the composition adapter. Individual ViewDelegate
s are created with two parameters. First parameter is a lambda
that returns a view and the second parameter is also a lambda
that returns the condition to evaluate for the viewType
. Finally, add the individual view delegates as part of the DataAdapter
class that initializes the RecyclerView
's adapter as shown:
class ExampleActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// p0: view, p1: condition for the view to be shown on recyclerview
// show MyLinearLayoutRecyclerViewItem item when the data
// in the list provided is of type ModelForViewOne
val delegateOne = ViewDelegate({ MyLinearLayoutRecyclerViewItem(it?.context) },
{ it is ModelForViewOne })
// second delegate
val delegateTwo = ViewDelegate({ MyConstraintRecyclerViewItem(it?.context) },
{ it is ModelForViewTwo })
// delegate with condition
val delegateThree = ViewDelegate( { NewRecyclerViewItem1(it?.context),
{ (it as? ModelForViewOne).isTriggered == false } )
val delegateFour = ViewDelegate( { NewRecyclerViewItem2(it?.context),
{ (it as? ModelForViewOne).isTriggered == true } )
// get the items
val listOfItems : MutableList<ListItem> = getListItems()
recyclerListView?.adapter = DataAdapter(listOfItems)
.addDelegate(delegateOne, delegateTwo, delegateThree, delegateFour)
recyclerListView?.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
private fun getListItems(): MutableList<ListItem> {
val list = mutableListOf<ListItem>()
list.add(ModelForViewOne(true, false, "title"))
list.add(ModelForViewTwo(false, true, "title2"))
list.add(ModelForViewOne(true, false, "title"))
list.add(ModelForViewOne(true, false, "title"))
list.add(ModelForViewTwo(false, false, "title"))
list.add(ModelForViewTwo(false, false, "title")) // and so on...
return list
In total we have 4 different recyclerview items with individual view types and all of the view handling would be done through the data in their corresponding view classes.
Copyright [2018] [Sughosh Krishna Kumar]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.