Hashinator is a header only hashmap implementation designed to work on both CPU and GPU architectures. It does so by utilizing the Unified Memory model. At this point hashinator NVIDIA and AMD GPUs.
Hashinator's developement was motivated by Vlasiator's porting to GPUs. To learn more about that visit Vlasiator's github page.
Hashinator uses a custom vector implementation named SplitVector which is hosted in this repository as well. Splitvector takes the burden of memory management away from hashinator and provides a linear buffer of Unified Memory with proper prefetching routines. Its API is made to resemble that of std::vector for easy integration with already existing codes. It can be used as a standalone container and does not depend on Hashinator.
Hashinator uses an open addressing scheme together withe the Fibonnacci multiplicatve hash function to hash key-value into a contigious buffer. Key-value pairs can be inserted, querried and deleted via three different APIs. The host-only API performs all operation on the CPU in a serial manner. The device-only API performs operations from device code and the accelerated API utilizes the GPU to performs operation in parallel.
The accelerated API uses a parallel probing scheme inspired by Warpcore, however using a custom implementation that does not leverage Cooperative Groups.
A novel tombtone cleaning method is provided with Hashinator that allowes tombstones to be removed from the hashmap in parallel using the GPU.
Hashinator and SplitVector are arch agnostic. The codebase can be compiled with NVCC or ROCm without the need of hipification.
For systems without GPUs, Hashinator and SplitVector compile with a c++ compiler by defining
respectively. -
Hashinator is open-source and distributed under GPL-3.0.
No installation required. Just include "hashinator.h" . However, if you plan to use Hashinator at its full potential you will need a system with a dedicated GPU card, either NVIDIA or AMD and a healthy installation of CUDA or ROCm. Hashinator rerquires at least cuda-9.0
or rocm 5.4
. To run the tests googletest
needs to be installed.
cd hashinator
mkdir subprojects
meson wrap install gtest
meson setup build --buildtype=release
meson compile -C build --jobs=8
meson test -C build
#include "splitvec.h"
int main()
using vector = split::SplitVector<int>;
split::SplitVector<int> vec {1,2,3,4,5};
g++ main.cpp -DSPLIT_CPU_ONLY_MODE -std=c++17 -o example
#include "splitvec.h"
using vector = split::SplitVector<int>;
void push_back_kernel(vector* a){
int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int main()
vector* vec = new vector{1,2,3,4,5};
delete vec;
nvcc main.cu -std=c++17 --expt-relaxed-constexpr --expt-extended-lambda -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -o example
#include "hashinator.h"
int main()
Hashmap<uint_32t,uint32_t> hmap;
for (uint32_t i=0 ; i<64; ++i){
for (const auto& i:hmap){
std::cout<<"["<<i.first<<" "<<i.second<<"] ";
g++ main.cpp -DHASHINATOR_CPU_ONLY_MODE -std=c++17 -o example
#include "hashinator.h"
void gpu_write(Hashmap<val_type,val_type>* hmap, hash_pair<val_type,val_type>*src, size_t N)
size_t index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (index < N ){
hmap->set_element(src[index].first, src[index].second);
int main()
std::cout<<"\nDevice Usage\n"<<std::endl;
Hashmap<val_type,val_type>* hmap=new Hashmap<val_type,val_type>;
//Create Input
for (uint32_t i=0 ; i<64; ++i){
gpu_write<<<1,64>>>(hmap, src.data(), src.size());
nvcc main.cu -std=c++17 --expt-relaxed-constexpr --expt-extended-lambda -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -o example
#include "hashinator.h"
int main()
vector src(64);
Hashmap<val_type,val_type> hmap;
//Create Input
for (uint32_t i=0 ; i<64; ++i){
//Insert using the accelerated mode
nvcc main.cu -std=c++17 --expt-relaxed-constexpr --expt-extended-lambda -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -o example
You can have a look in the Doxygen for a more feature-rich explanation of the methods and tools included!
Hashinator and SplitVector include a suite of unit tests using googletest which live under the unit_tests
directory. These tests try to cover as many features as possible to avoid the silent introduction of bugs! The units tests automatically trigger for pushes to the dev and master branches.
- Special thanks to Urs Ganse for the initial CPU version of Hashinator.
- Thanks to Jaro Hokkanen. Hashinator's arch agnostic approach was inspired by his work.