Gulp plugin extracts the translation keys for angular-translate.
via npm
npm install gulp-angular-translate-extractor
var extractTranslate = require('gulp-angular-translate-extractor');
gulp.task('taskName', function () {
var i18nsrc = ['./index.html', './app.js']; // your source files
var i18ndest = './src/assets/translations'; //destination directory
return gulp.src(i18nsrc)
defaultLang: 'en-US', // default language
lang: ['en-US', 'ru-RU'], // array of languages
dest: i18ndest, // destination, default '.'
prefix: 'prefix_', // output filename prefix, default ''
suffix: '.suffix', // output filename suffix, default '.json'
safeMode: false, // do not delete old translations, true - contrariwise, default false
stringifyOptions: true, // force json to be sorted, false - contrariwise, default false
This task will parse your src files, extract all the translation keys and creares two files 'en-US.json' and 'ru-RU.json' in dest directory. For the default lang ('en_US.json') file will be formatted like:
"1st Translation": "1st Translation",
"2nd Translation": "2nd Translation",
"3rd Translation": "3rd Translation",
For the non-default lang ('ru_RU.json') file will be formatted like:
"1st Translation": "",
"2nd Translation": "",
"3rd Translation": "",