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Tool for generating typescript wrappers around generated code from OpenAPI Generator


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Tool for generating typescript wrappers around generated code from OpenAPI Generator


  • Generate code with openapi-generator (set useSingleRequestParameter to true)

Quick start

  1. Create wrapper function and wrapper type. For example here is wrapper for TanStack Query:

    import { ApiWrapperOptions } from 'openapi-typescript-wrapper-generator';
    import type { QueryKey, UseQueryOptions } from '@tanstack/react-query';
    import { useQuery, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query';
    import type { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';
    export const myApiWrapper = <TVariables, TData>(
      req: (variables: TVariables, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => TData,
      options: ApiWrapperOptions,
    ) => {
      const queryKey: QueryKey = [
      const useMyQuery = (
        reqVariables: TVariables,
        axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig,
        queryOptions?: Omit<
          UseQueryOptions<TData, unknown, TData>,
          'queryKey' | 'queryFn'
      ) => {
        return useQuery({
          queryFn: () => req(reqVariables, axiosConfig),
      const useInvalidateQuery = () => {
        const client = useQueryClient();
        return () => client.invalidateQueries([queryKey]);
      return {
        useQuery: useMyQuery,
    export type MyApiWrapper<
      TReq extends (variables: any) => any,
      TOptions extends ApiWrapperOptions,
    > = {
      queryVariables: Parameters<TReq>[0];
  2. Create file with configuration object

    import { Configuration } from './generated/todos/configuration';
    export const myApiConfiguration = new Configuration({
      basePath: 'http://localhost:4000',
  3. Run this command in a terminal (replace paths and export names according to your project structure)

    npx openapi-typescript-wrapper-generator generatedApi/todos \
      --wrapperPath myApiWrapper.ts \
      --wrapperExportName myApiWrapper \
      --wrapperTypePath myApiWrapper.ts \
      --wrapperTypeExportName MyApiWrapper \
      --configurationPath myApiConfiguration.ts \
      --configurationExportName myApiConfiguration \
      --outputPath generatedApi/todos/wrapper
  4. Look at the file at outputPath. You will see something like this:

    import {TodosApi} from './api'
    import {myApiWrapper as wrapper} from '../myApiWrapper'
    import {MyApiWrapper as Wrapper} from '../myApiWrapper'
    import {configuration} from '../myApiConfiguration'
    const todosApi = new TodosApi(configuration)
    const filePath = 'src/generated/todos/wrapper.ts'
    export const todosEndpoints = {
      getTodos: wrapper(todosApi.getTodos, {filePath, groupName: 'Todos', endpointName: 'getTodos'}),
      addTodo: wrapper(todosApi.addTodo, {filePath, groupName: 'Todos', endpointName: 'addTodos'}),
    export type todosEndpoints = {
      getTodos: Wrapper<typeof todosApi.getTodos, {filePath: typeof filePath, groupName: 'Todos', endpointName: 'getTodos'})>;
      addTodo: Wrapper<typeof todosApi.addTodo, {filePath: typeof filePath, groupName: 'Todos', endpointName: 'addTodos'}>;

CLI api

openapi-typescript-wrapper-generator [sourceDirectory] [options]

Source directory:
  Relative path to directory that container `api.ts` file generated by OpenAPI Generator

  --wrapperPath               Relative path to file that contains wrapper function
  --wrapperExportName         Optional, if wrapper function is exported as named export, provide the name under which it's exported
  --wrapperTypePath           Relative path to file that contains wrapper type
  --wrapperTypeExportName     Optional, if wrapper type is exported as named export, provide the name under which it's exported
  --configurationPath         Relative path to file that contains configuration object
  --configurationExportName   Optional, if configuration object is exported as named export, provide the name under which it's exported
  --outputPath                Relative path to file where generated code should be outputted

JS api

import { generateWrappers } from './generateWrappers';

  // To find out what to send, look at the types


It's tested with OpenAPI Generator 6.6.0 and typescript-axios generator

But it should work with other versions and other typescript generators. If it doesn't please create issue.


Tool for generating typescript wrappers around generated code from OpenAPI Generator







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