This is the source code for Sharkalytics, a site that collects and crunches the numbers behind ABC's Shark Tank. The application is currently live at
Sharkalytics is hosted on Google App Engine, with data stored in Google Cloud SQL.
To get your version running, you'll need to create a file in your root directory called The file should include a list as shown below. All are required.
INSTANCE_NAME = 'your-project-id:your-instance-name' # for Google Cloud SQL
flagged_terms = ['Java'] # list of unwelcome UA strings
flagged_IPs = [''] # list of unwelcome IP addresses... not your own, probably!
Google_Analytics_ID = 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X'
You'll also need to change the application name in app.yaml to something that hasn't been used already.
The Sharkalytics database is hosted in Google Cloud SQL. This repository includes a schema that you can use to start your own. See sharkbase.sql.