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Kristof degrave edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 1 revision


The insertBatch function adds an array of data to an object store in the indexeddb database.


  • object store:
    • An object store or an object store promise object.
  • data
    • An array of objects you want to store


The function returns a promise object with 2 callbacks

  • Success callback
    • The array of objects is stored successfully
    • The first argument contains the object with the primarykey (if the object store is defined with a keyPath).
    • The Second argument contains the transaction.
  • Error callback
    • Retrieving data failed
    • The argument object contains a custom error object.
  • Progress callback
    • An object of the array of objects is stored successfully
    • The first argument contains the object with the primarykey (if the object store is defined with a keyPath).
    • The second argument contains the primarykey for the object.
    • The third argument contains the transaction.
    • The forth argument contains the original indexeddb event arguments.


  • Constraint error
    • The given key already exists in the database or one of the properties has a unique index defined an you are trying to save a duplicate value for that property
  • DataError
    • The provided key isn't a valid key or key range.
    • Or an external key is provided while the object store expects a keyPath key
    • Or the provided key isn't a valid key (must be an array, string, date or number).
  • ReadOnlyError
    • You are trying to remove data in a readonly transaction.
  • TransactionInactiveError
    • You are trying to open a cursor outside or on an inactive transaction.
  • DataCloneError
    • The data you are trying to insert could not be cloned. Your data probably contains a function which can not be cloned by default. Try using the serialize method to insert the data.
  • InvalidStateError
    • You are trying to modify data on a removed object store.


{{ var dbpromise = linq2indexedDB.core.db("name", 1); var transactionPromise = linq2indexedDB.core.transaction(dbpromise, "objectstore"); var objectStorePromise = linq2indexedDB.core.objectStore(transactionPromise, "objectstore"); linq2indexedDB.core.insertBatch(objectStorePromise, {}, {}, {}).then(success, error, progress); function success(args){ var dataArray = args0; var transaction= args1; } function error(args){ var error= args; } function progress(args){ var data = args0; var primaryKey= args1; var transaction= args2; var orignalevent = args3; } }}

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