The following code is developed to acclearte NLP workloads with Intel AI toolkit, the aim of the repo is to enable developer to learn NLP and also experience the Intel oneAPI AI acceleration Libraries
if you dont have ananconda install in your local enviornment.
- step-1: Download Anaconda with the following link - Step-2: installing anaconda with the following link
- Windows users:
- Linux users:
- Mac Os users:
Once you installed the anaconda in you local environment follows the following commands:
conda create -n env python=3.10 scikit-learn-intelex pandas seaborn
conda install -c conda-forge spacy
The above command will create conda virtual enviroemnt and then install scikit-learn in a new enviroments will all the dependancies need to run the codes.
Run Instruction
- unzip the file after cloning the repo
- open the MODI Spacy & Sentiment Analysis.ipynb notebook to run the file