Online food order service
NodeJs (Ideal Version 20)
Vs Code
Mongo Db comunity server & mongo db compass - Windows: a. Download and install mongo db community server from - b. During installation you have to select [run service as network service User] and check install mongo db Compass also else you have to install it seperately
MacOs: a. Open terminal and run this commands -
brew tap mongodb/brew brew update brew install [email protected] b. To run mongod server as macos server run this command brew services start [email protected]c. Open Shell and type mongosh
d. download and isntall mongodb compass to manupulate data easily.
Create two folder inside main folder. a. frontend - client side code will be written in react Js b. backend - server side code will be written here using node and express Js
Creating / initializing our react app as frontend- a. Go inside required folder and run: cd frontend
b. Run to create app - npx create-react-app .
c. Run your app - npm run start
d. Hit in browser - http://localhost:3000
Creating / initializing backend app a. initalize app inside backend folder- npm init [ref: ]
b. install dependencies / packages by running the following commands - npm install express npm install dotenv npm install mongoose npm install nodemon --save-dev
c. create two file named as app.js and server.js where we can write our code to start backend server
d. Run your app - node server.js or npm run dev
Before Starting Setup check your Node Version should be 20
Clone repo inside a Folder.
Open Mongo db compass and creeate a database named - krishmish_order_food. Then import collection inside that db.
To Run Frontend React Project: a. cd frontend b. npm install c. npm run start
To Run Backend Node & Express Project a. cd backend b. npm install c. npm run dev (To run In development) npm run prod (To run in Production Mode) (For windows go inside backend folder -> package.json -> under scripts-> instead of 'export' use 'set' as export' command is valid only for unix shells)