Tool to analyze the Path of Exile market.
Currently supports:
- Estimate currency exchange prices
- Estimate unique prices
- Estimate divination card prices
- Report on most profitable divination cards
Running this requires a postgresql database to connect to.
Create the database: $> createdb dbname
Load the schema to the database: $> psql dbname -f ./schema.sql
Insert the inital page: psql> INSERT INTO api_pages (id) VALUES ('<pageId>);
Configure the application to connect to the database...
Run $> go build
to product the executable
Run $>DB_NAME=<database> DB_USER=<username> DB_HOST=<host> DB_PASSWORD=<password> LEAGUE=<league> ./poe-marketwatch
After some time, enough data will accumulate to crunch some numbers...
If you want to exit, Ctrl+C
will safely complete the current page and exit.
First, refresh the materialized views in postgres. This should always be done before checking data:
Run psql> REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW mat_chaos_currency_rates; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW mat_div_unique_pairs;
See the profitable divination cards: psql> SELECT * FROM divination_card_profits;