This program runs as a daemon and connects to your own LND to accept zero conf channels from configured whitelisted nodes.
In order for this to work, there's two flags that are needed in LND:
After setting this up, this program needs to run in order to accept channels in general (even non-zero-conf channels).
To run this program, setup the config file and run with it:
./zero-conf-lnd config.yml
You may take a look at example.config.yml
for how to set this up.
First copy the example config and change the values to match your environment:
cp example.config.yml .local.config.yml
Now run with that config path as the first argument:
cargo run .local.config.yml
- cmake
The plugin includes the responder side of an ad-hoc protocol based on custommsg
s that a funder node can use to ask a fundee node whether or not it will accept zeroconf channels from the funder node.
This ad-hoc protocol is a JSON-RPC 2.0-like request-response protocol on top of custommsg
s, whereby all the bytes following the 2-byte type prefix form a valid UTF-8 JSON encoding. Essentially:
message_bytes = <type>.to_bytes(2, 'big') + json.dumps(<payload>).encode('utf-8')
Note: this part is NOT included in the plugin
Generate a uuid4 string (call it
) -
Send the peer a
like this (encode intomessage_bytes
using above):type(u16, 2-byte):
payload:{ "id": <uuid>, "method": "getzeroconfinfo" }
Note: this part IS included in the plugin
Get the request's uuid4 id (call it
) -
Send the requester a
like this (encode intomessage_bytes
using above):type(u16, 2-byte):
payload:{ "id": <uuid>, "result": { "allows_your_zeroconf": true # or false if not allowed } }