Warning, a lot of graphics!
It's better to watch with a PC..
The character is controlled by a mouse click
Different enemies in different biomes
What? Biomes?!
Really? Yup!
That's how it works:
3 - Created UV and applied the desired scale
4 - Apply material
5 - Generated objects (scenery, mobs)
6 - "stage of meshes optimization to save Draw Calls (savings up to 70%!)"
You may notice that the video shows two biomes with different settings
It's true, our implementation allows quite flexible customization and addition of biome settings!
- different sound in different biomes
- different graphic settings (e.g. fog)
One biome has fog, the other does not.
By the way, did you appreciate the clouds? :D
After generating all biomes you create a navigation grid on which our character and enemies will walk
- They patrol the biome from point to point
- If they encounter an enemy, they begin to chase them.
- If they're near the enemy, they start attacking them.
- If the player manages to escape, then... patrol on!
He has a sword and can use magic!
What?! Magic?
Yes, there is a "system" of skills:
How do you study them?
Here's how the process works:
Find an enemy -> kill him (we get a pump point for that) -> use him!
This brings our brief review to an end
// hehehe, it was a team effort with this amazing 3D artist (models are their work) and yes, we didn't make the finals9