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Jest Docs Reporter

Jest test results processor for generate a list of suites and test cases


$ yarn add --dev @konecty/jest-doc-reporter


Configure Jest to process the test results by adding the following entry to the Jest config (jest.config.json):

"reporters": [
	["@konecty/jest-doc-reporter", {
		"title": "Test Report",
        "outputPath": "./docs",
		"sort": "asc",

As you run Jest from within the terminal, a file called will be created within your outputPath or root folder containing information about your tests.

Node Compatibility

npm shield

This plugin is compatible with Node version ^16.0.0


Please note that all configuration properties are optional.

Property Type Description Default
title STRING The title of the document. This string will also be outputted on the top of the page. "Docs"
logo STRING Path to a logo that will be included in the header of the report null
outputPath STRING The path to where the plugin will output the HTML report. "./"
sort STRING Sorts the test results alphabeticaly using "asc", "desc" or "none" "none"
filterRegex STRING or REGEX Remove test result that matches the pattern undefined
oneFilePerSuite BOOLEAN Split results one file per suite false