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Isaac Pei edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 18 revisions

Originally compiled from this discussion.

Most desired features may be implemented as LightTable plugins. Although some facilities require LT's core modification or adding hook into LT's core.


  • Console plugin <discussion>
  • inline editing functionality similar to Brackets
  • Git plugin (like magit?). <discussion>
  • Keyboard based directory browser (like dired in Emacs)
  • Remote browsing/editing over SSH (like Emacs tramp)
  • A SQL plugin for interacting with databases
  • JsLint and JsMin <discussion> (why not JSHint?)
  • MDN definition lookup (general documentation lookup plugin?)
  • Theme editor
  • Checkers/hinters for supported languages. Something like flycheck? General linting plugin with hooks in language modes?
  • Paredit-like functionality for supported languages (select syntax form, expand selecton)
  • Macros (the ability to store the sequence of keystrokes, replay it and, may be, save it as ClojureScript code)
  • Bookmark facility (the ability to bookmark a line in a file and save it in a workspace)
  • Merge mode (merging/diffing files inside LT)
  • Editorconfig plugin

Inspired by

All of us came to LightTable from some other environment. Let's describe its killer features you can't live without so someone consider porting it to LT.




  • multiple cursors / column edit / ctrl-d to select text matching selection, etc
  • Go to definition anywhere in project with fuzzy complete

Jetbrains/Eclipse/Netbeans, etc

Language plugins