Open source PHP/Ajax cloudware that puts FTP file management right in your browser, anywhere, any time.
The server running this script must allow external FTP connections if you intend to allow connection to external servers.
The "Upload Limit" seen on screen is set in your server's PHP.INI file.
Enter the host address/port/mode if it should always be a fixed host address.
Leave this blank if you want the user to input their host address.
21 is the default
1 for passive, 0 for not passive (passive is default)
1 for SSL, 0 for not SSL - your (server must support ftp_ssl_connect() to use this)
Enter an FTP server path for the default login (or leave blank for home folder)
This is a folder on the client server for uploading files to.
By default it's /tmp (Linux), which is the server's folder for temporary files, however you can
set any folder, provided it has 777 chmod permissions, so it can be written to from the web.
Windows temp folder is typically "C:\WINDOWS\Temp" (backslashes must be escaped with another backslash)
A list of file types that can be edited in the text editor
USA date format - 1 for mm/dd/yy, 0 for dd/mm/yy
The number of minutes to lockout 3 consecutive invalid logins
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GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3) see LICENSE for details