welcome to the coding assignment
This repo contains 2 json files to server as the REST API for your coding assignment.
Steps to use
- npm install -g json-server
- json-server --watch [json file you want to serve i.e koinearth_products.json or koinearth_products_large.json]
- access the server on localhost:3000
sample calls you can make
GET localhost:3000/products -> fetch list of all products in json
POST localhost:3000/products -> create a new product
learn more about json server here -> https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-server
Simply clone this repo or download as zip
Your code will be judged on the basis of
- Code structure -> how smartly are folders organized, how elegantly are components composed
- Code feasibility -> are you rendering things smartly, are you misuing react js principals in any way?
- variable naming -> are your names intuitive?
- github usage
- React best practices -> which components need to stateful. which do not.
It will be convenient if you use functional react components Hello person reading this