Update to 0.0.36+7
Improve empty range handling.
More consistent error handling in range functions.
read_cells ensures that all cells in named ranges exist.
Remove incorrectly working CHOOSE function handler in ast.
Fix error in ":" handling in some edge cases.
Added extra parens in generated code to reduce risk of incorrectly generated code.
Added support for CEILING, DAY, DAYS, FLOOR, ISERROR, LEN, ROUNDDOWN, SINGLE (basic support), SMALL.
Fixes for:
- OFFSET None handling
- ROUNDUP rounding to whole numbers
- SUMIF and SUMIFS None handling
- ROUND rounding to whole numbers
- YEARFRAC proper handling of last day of February in basis 0
Support for _xlfn functions.
Fixed some cases where string comparisons were not case insensitive.
Various small improvements to code.