- https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache choose the version for your operating system
- Launch ganache
- Start a new Workspace
- save&start
- Connect to Ganache
- Install Truffle
- Initialize truffle project
truffle init
- Configure Truffle to Use Ganache
- Migrate Contracts
- Deploy the contract
- install metamask
- setup ganache
- Connect metamask to ganache
- Import accounts to metamask
- Confirm connection
cd BlockchainBasedSecureMicrogrid-G95-PS23
cd frontend
To get npm modules for frontend part
npm i
To start the application
npm start
cd BlockchainBasedSecureMicrogrid-G95-PS23
cd backend
To start npm modules for backend part
npm i
To start backend server
npx nodemon server.js
To deploy the smart contract
cd BlockchainBasedSecureMicrogrid-G95-PS23
truffle deploy
Go to frontend/src/hooks/metamaskconnection to change contract address
Go to backend/routes/simulation.js to change the contract address