Daylight Wallpaper: Night wallpaper:
I'm using yay to acquire packages from AUR.
# Install preqrequisited
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S base-devel git
# Don't forget to tune /etc/makepkg.conf (MAKEFLAGS="-j3" / "-j5")
sudo vi /etc/makepkg.conf
# Acquire yay PKGBUILD
mkdir -p /tmp/yay
git clone /tmp/yay
cd /tmp/yay
# Install yay
makepkg -si
Note: You might want to create your own fork from this repo and
the fork.
# Install prerequisites
sudo pacman -S python tmux
# Clone dotfiles repository
git clone --recursive --depth=1 ~/.dotfiles
# Install symlinks
Re-login / restart bash.
This setup is based on the solarized theme. Follow the instructions there to customize / set it up properly.
There are some customizations in my bashrc. Install and enable them as you like.
# Install prerequisites (select what you need. Order is the same as in .bashrc.kmarc)
yay -S fzf \
nvm \
tmux \
direnv \
todotxt xdg-user-dirs \
ripgrep \
# Enable bashrc customizations
echo "source $HOME/.bashrc.kmarc" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"
Have a look at install.conf.yaml to get a hint on what software is configured with these dotfiles. Here is a categorization of what you might want to use from my repo.
I have a 95% terminal-based workflow for Mail (neomutt), Calendar (khal), and Contacts (khard). All configured to work together with GMail/Google Suite, and Office 365. Calendars are syncronized from all these sources and from facebook. All from terminal!
# Mail
sudo pacman -S neomutt offlineimap libsecret
yay -S urlscan mutt-ics
sudo pacman -S notmuch # Fast email indexing support
sudo pacman -S pandoc # HTML email editing support
yay -S davmail # o365 synchronization support
# Calendar + Contacts
sudo pacman -S khal khard vdirsyncer python-requests-oauthlib
Neomutt configuration resides in muttrc and mutt/muttrc._gmail_
and mutt/muttrc._owa_. However, it sources ~/.pdotfiles/muttrc
, where p
stands for private, thus not included in this repository. You can find examples on how to
configure tools in the pdotfiles directory. Note: .pdotfiles setup is not automated
by this repository.
Yay, this setup is using wayland now! Thes instructions will be updated on-demand. Feel free to contact me.
sudo pacman -S \
sway \
An MPD compatible daemon, mopidy is responsible for my daily music intake. For configuration, see examples in pdotfiles/
# Install / upgrade mopidy
yay -S mopidy-{spotify,soundcloud,tunein,mpris,mpd}
Have a look at the sway configuration and customize the launchable apps / tools
sudo pacman -S \
alacritty \
firefox \
mpc \
ranger \
yay -S \
That's a mess with Xorg/Wayland/Gtk2/Gtk3/Qt4/Qt5
I keep it simple: using Arc GTK and icon themes, configured Qt/KDE applications to pick up gtk2
theme settings. lxappearance
is a handy tool to set gtk2/3 themes.
sudo pacman -S arc-{gtk,icon}-theme elementary-icon-theme gtk-engine-murrine lxappearance \