Converter which takes single-channel ImpulseTracker modules as input and outputs a fSound .fss file, for use with fsound.exe. fSound is available here. This converter aims for the version called "". The Pytrax/impulsetracker-parser library is used and slightly modified to work with Python 3.
Improved version of:
- Squarewaves of any volume and pitch are supported.
- White Noise of any volume is supported.
- Tempo Changes are supported. (Txx with values bigger <= 20 and Axx).
- Kick and Snare Samples are supported.
- Only use an instrument setting, volume or effect along with a note, otherwise it will throw an error.
- download/clone repo
- make sure Python 3 is installed
- write your song using the (follow the limits listed below)
- convert your song with
Square Waves can be produced between C-2 and B-8 (C-1 to B-7 in fSound), using Instrument 1.
White Noise is always the same pitch, using Instrument 2.
Kick uses Instrument 3 and Snare uses Instrument 4.
Make sure to set an instrument for every note you put in.
Square and Noise have volume control. v00 is lowest, v64 is highest.
The values get mapped to the 16 available sound values in fSound (0-F).
Non-set volume gets mapped to f (loudest).
- 0.5: Massive Refactoring; added Axx support; sample-mapping via instrument, not octave; Volume is now mapped from 0-64 values, non-set-volume doesn't map to None anymore
- 0.4.1: Fixed a bug where consecutive drum notes would be combined into one
- 0.4: Added Tempo Change Support
- 0.3: Added Sample and Volume Support
- 0.2: Fixed a bug that occurred when translating a single IT note into multiple FSS notes.
- 0.1: Initial creation of program.