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Kevin Kinnebrew edited this page Apr 17, 2014 · 27 revisions

Getting Started


Clementine is not simply an MVC framework. It was created in an attempt to improve the organization and modularity of front-end code, specifically that of single-page web applications. Clementine uses view controllers to emulate the native hierarchical structure of the DOM while decoupling individual code components so they can be reused. It provides custom JavaScript event bindings to manage communication between view controllers, view lifecycle management, all the while separating interaction logic, data, structure, and style.

Clementine takes a broader approach by looking at all parts of web application development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A number of frameworks choose to give more weight to one than another, by either building all markup with Javascript or using an abundance of custom HTML attributes. In Clementine, the expectation is that each technology is given equal weight for what it is designed for: HTML for view layout and semantics, CSS for presentation (including animation), and Javascript for DOM manipulation and event binding.

Tutorial 1: View Controllers

Suppose we're building a simple address book web application. We want to have a searchable list of contacts on the left, and a detail view displaying the currently selected contact on the right. In the next few minutes, we'll build this app with Clementine.

Part 1: Building Hierarchy with Views

In Clementine, views are simply HTML. Our views should follow the conventions of good HTML; they exist strictly to describe the structure, not the style of our application.

We first want to outline what views we need and how they will be organized. Even though we haven't ironed out the details, we know the basic structure and arrangement of our application's views. In a traditional, page-like application, we might start with something like this,

	<section class="contacts-app">
		<div class="contact-search-list">
			<input type="search" name="keyword" />
			<ul class="contacts-list">
				<!-- individual contacts go here -->
		<div class="contact-detail">
			<!-- details go here -->

This works fine for our simple application, but imagine we implementing several other features in the future (managing a list of todo's, sending messages, etc). It would be helpful to abstract out our standardized components (lists, buttons, toolbars), to use again in other application features that follow a similar pattern.

To take the forward thinking approach, first break the above HTML into its logical components, eg views. In principle, each component should have only one function (a list, a search field, a table) or should simply combine simple components to make more complex ones (a searchable list, a slideshow). Clementine denotes each of these logical sections as views, and annotates them with a data-control attribute. This attribute will ultimately tell Clementine what JavaScript controller to instantiate and bind when that view is parsed. Writing our HTML in this new pattern,

	<section data-control="contacts-app">
		<div data-control="contacts-search-list">
			<input data-control="search-field" type="search" name="keyword" />
			<ul data-control="contacts-list">
				<!-- individual contacts go here -->
		<div data-control="contact-detail">
			<!-- details go here -->

we've now broken everything into its logical components. Given the DOM's tree structure, we see that our views are also nested in a similar way. Our view contacts-app wraps the entire application as a logical group. Its two child views, contacts-list-search and contact-detail combine the search and list functionality, and the contact detail pane respectively. The children of contacts-list-search contain their logical sections as well, search-field handling the HTML input field, and the contacts-list wrapping a list of individual contact list items.

We begin to see how the tree structure allows us flexibility to swap components and their decendents in and out. This may seem like overkill, and it probably is for this simple example. We'll soon see however that as applications become more complex, having reusable components such as lists and fields become more valuable.

To recap, we have an contacts-app view, a contacts-search-list view, a search-field view, a contacts-list view, and a contact-detail view. They are organized in the following hierarchy:

  • contacts-app
    • contacts-search-list
      • search-field
      • contacts-list
  • contact-detail

Now that we have our views organized, we need to discuss interactivity. How do we make our views interactive with JavaScript without creating spaghetti code.

It is clear that the search-field will need to filter the contacts-list when the enter key is pressed. The contacts-list will need to tell the contact-detail pane to display a specific contact when it's selected from the list.

These are fairly straightforward behaviors, however it is quite easy to write messy, coupled code as the complexity of single-page apps such as this expand. Particularly when nested callbacks get out of control or when there is no longer a transparent way to see how events are being bound and unbound, it's easy to leak memory, create bugs, and altogether write unmaintainable code. This is where we begin to involve View Controllers.

Part 2: Taming Code with Controllers

Clementine's View Controller class acts as both a helper in the lifecycle of each of your applications views, and as a scaffold to better organize your code. What were those data-control attributes we added earlier? Each one corresponds to a view controller. We've already managed to logically separate our views, now we're logically separating our interaction logic as well.

Let's take a look at the five different views we created in the previous step, and now make their associated controllers. Just as we traced out the hierarchy of our views within the DOM, we'll do the same for our controllers. In fact, when our application is initialized, a tree of view controllers instances is built to exactly match that of our DOM view hierarchy. The five associated view controllers would be initialized as follows,

  • ContactsAppController
    • ContactsSearchListController
      • SearchFieldController
      • ContactsListController
  • ContactDetailController

matching that of each view. Each view controller instance and each view have a one-to-one relationship. The section of the DOM represented by the view will be managed and manipulated only by this one view controller. Now let's define these view controller classes. When the page is first loaded, an instance of each view controller class is instantiated as Clementine traverses down the DOM tree, reading off each data-control attribute. We therefore can use each of these data-control attributes multiple times, (ie. two data-control="search-field's on one page if we wanted).

We'll define the ContactSearchListController as an example.

var ContactsSearchListController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'contacts-search-list';

That's it, we've defined our first view controller. The only method on the view controller you are required to implement is getType(), which returns a string matching the data-control name of the view we defined earlier. When Clementine traverses down the DOM tree looking for data-control attributes, it reads off each attribute value and looks to see if a View Controller is defined having a matching getType() string. If there is, it instantiates an instance of the that view controller passing it the DOM element, and then moves on to its immediate children repeating the process until it can't find any more views.

Additionally, it converts the data-control attribute to a class name, so that adding a redundant class is unnecessary.

For the moment our view controller doesn't do anything; we haven't added any methods to it yet. To add functionality to a controller, let's move to the SearchFieldController. We simply begin to implement existing methods or add new methods to the controller class. Remember we want the <input data-control="search-field" /> view to search our list when the user types something and hits enter. To do that, we'll add an event listener to the input field that listens for key presses.

var SearchFieldController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'search-field';
	onDidAppear: function(e) {'keypress', this.$onKeyPress, this);
	onWillDisappear: function(e) {;
	$onKeyPress: function(e) {
		var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
		if (code === 13) {
			var keyword =;'search', keyword);

Let's step through this code method by method. First, the ViewController class gives you access to the instance variable, which stores a reference to the view controller's associated view element. As Clementine traversed down the DOM tree, it passed references of each of the data-control DOM elements into each view controller instance it created. For the SearchFieldController, the variable references the DOM element (wrapped as a jQuery object):

<input data-control="search-field" type="search" name="keyword" />

The enforces the rule that a controller instance should manage only one view. In this case, the target is the search field itself. The view controller only has access to its own part of the DOM, nothing more.

The ViewController class also allows us to implement the following methods that manage the view lifecycle.

  • willLoad()
  • didLoad()
  • willAppear()
  • didAppear()
  • willDisappear()
  • didDisappear()
  • willUnload()
  • didUnload()

These methods allow you to more precisely tie actions to the view state, to bind and unbind events and manipulate the DOM. In our case, we've retrieved the view controller's target and bound a keypress event to it in the onDidAppear() method. We've added a onKeyPress() event handler method to the controller, and bound it to the keypress event. Finally, we've unbound the event in the onWillDisappear() method, enforcing our rule that you need to manually unbind all manually bound events.

Now we need to tell the other views that the user has pressed the enter key and wants to search for something. In the onKeyPress() event, we're checking the keycode of the keypress and calling the following if it's an enter key.

var keyword =;'search', keyword);

By firing a custom event from the view controller, parent view controller can subscribe to and listen for when that event is fired. The keyword is passed as an optional second argument to the method, which will be received by all callbacks bound to the event by the parameter. We'll discuss this in more depth in a moment. For now, we have a SearchFieldController that simply fires a 'search' event when the enter key is pressed with the text the user has entered.

Stepping away from the SearchFieldController, we move up the hierarchy to its parent, the ContactsSearchListController. This view controller corresponds to the view containing both the search-field and contact-list views as its children. We can write this controller in the same way we've written the prior.

var ContactsSearchListController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'contacts-search-list';
	onDidAppear: function(e) {
		this.getView('search-field').on('search', this.onSearch, this);
	onSearch: function(e) {

We've used a few new methods in the above code. This controller looks very similar to the prior, however we've used the getView method and passed in the values search-field and contact-list. We'll step back for a moment to the view to explain this.

Part 3: Decoupling Communication between Views

The goal of Clementine is the decoupling and reusing components, specifically views and view controllers. Up until now our app is too simple to reuse anything. The primary difficulty in decoupling our view controllers is managing how they communicate with each other. When the SearchFieldController wants to tell the ContactListController to filter its list items, the code for that shouldn't exist in either controller, as neither should be aware of one another. Instead, we look back to the rule that controllers only call methods on their children. All interaction between views should be done only by the parent controller (the coordinator), in this case, the ContactsSearchListController.

Interaction between view controllers can take two forms. When view controllers want to communicate with their child view controllers, they may simply call methods on their children. However when child views want to communicate with their parent, to enforce reusability, they should not have any knowledge of what form their parent takes. Thus to communicate up the hierarchy to a parent view, a view controller will fire a custom event using the method.

Clementine provides helper methods to make children view controllers accessible to the parent. The this.getView() method will return the child view of the parent with a given type or name.

Now what if a view controller had two child views of the same type, for example two search fields with a data-control="search-field". How would that parent view controller access them using the this.getView() method. Let's refactor our view markup from earlier to make this possible.

	<section data-control="contacts-app" data-name="contacts-app">
		<div data-control="contacts-search-list" data-name="contacts-search-list">
			<input data-control="search-field" data-name="search-field" type="search" name="keyword" />
			<ul data-control="contacts-list" data-name="contacts-list">
				<!-- individual contacts go here -->
		<div data-control="contact-detail" data-name="contact-detail">
			<!-- details go here -->

We see that we now have added another attribute along with the data-control attributes, data-name. The attribute data-name is to the instance, what data-control was to the class. In other words, data-name allows us to uniquely identify views by name, when we use a data-control to create multiple instances of the same class.

In our case these appear to be redundant because we are not using any view multiple times. In the case of two side-by-side lists, however, this would become necessary.

<div data-control="my-app" data-name="my-app">
	<ul data-control="list" data-name="left-list"></ul>
	<ul data-control="list" data-name="right-list"></ul>

You can see we're now using the same data-control attribute for both lists, but their data-name instance names are different. Now the parent controller my-app can access each child view controller with a unique name using this.getView(name).

Now this makes sense for complex apps where view controllers are used multiple times, but it seems fairly redundant in our case. In our app, we are simply using the same value for the data-control and data-name value.

To clean up our syntax, Clementine will simply use the value of the data-control attribute as the data-name when data-name is omitted. Looking at our prior example where my-app is used twice, we now can omit the data-name attribute for brevity, and let Clementine assume it is the same as the data-control attribute.

<div data-control="my-app">
	<ul data-control="list" data-name="left-list"></ul>
	<ul data-control="list" data-name="right-list"></ul>

The same goes for our view markup, which now can be written as the following

	<section data-control="contacts-app">
		<div data-control="contacts-search-list">
			<input data-control="search-field" type="search" name="keyword" />
			<ul data-control="contacts-list"></ul>
		<div data-control="contact-detail"></div>

Getting back to our ContactsSearchListController, we see that in the onDidAppear() method, the view is binding a listener for the search event on the search-field view controller.

this.getView('contact-keyword').on('search', this.onSearch, this);

Notice, however, that we have not created a separate onWillDisappear() method to unbind that listener, since you must manually unbind all manually bound events. Clementine will automatically unbind all the event handlers bound to any child view in the onWillDisappear() method.

Let's take a moment to talk about events. Every view controller gives you the ability to bind, fire, and detach events. Just as you would bind an event to an input field or a button, you can bind custom handlers to events on a view controller. The view controller includes the following methods for event binding:

  • on(event, callback, [context])
  • fire(event, [payload])
  • detach([event], [callback]);

The on() method takes in an optional third context parameter to proxy the callback function with (similar to jQuery's $.proxy()). The fire method takes in a data payload: an object to be passed to all callbacks bound to that event.

Any callback bound to an event receives an event parameter, e the event object, with optionally, the payload passed when the event was fired.

In our case, we remember that the SearchFieldController fired an event search with a payload of the keyword that was in the search field. What we've done is had ContactsSearchListController listen for the search event to be fired by the SearchFieldController. When that happens, the onSearch() event callback is called and passed the keyword to search with via the data parameter. We are fetching the child view controller ContactsListController, and passing it keyword that keyword via the filter() method which we will implement in a moment.

We've now bound an event to the search-field to listen for the press of the enter key, fired a custom event up to the parent contacts-search-list controller, and listened for and handled that custom event, passing the keyword to the list. The next step is to build the list controller and have it search/filter the list when it is told to do so using filter(). We first define our ContactsListController and implement a filter method. We'll leave building our list from mock data until later.

var ContactsListController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'contacts-list';
	filter: function(keyword) {
		var pattern = new RegExp(keyword, 'i');'li').each(function() {
			var text = $(this).text();
			if (!pattern.test(text)) { $(this).addClass('hidden'); }
			else { $(this).removeClass('hidden'); }

The filter() method takes in a keyword and attempts to filter out the <li> elements whose body text doesn't match that keyword. We have effectively built three view controllers to manage three views, handled searching, list filtering, and tied the two views together.

Step 4: Abstracting Reusable Components

Up until now, the extra effort we've taken to decouple our views and view controllers has had little impact, mostly because our application is so simple. The benefit comes when we start looking at more complex applications.

Let's take the perspective that this is only one section of a multi-section application where managing contacts is only a minor feature. This application may require the use of filterable lists on several pages, each list populated with different kinds of data. We may even see this list / detail-view pattern repeat on multiple pages. We can abstract common patterns from what we've just created to make them reusable in other parts of the application.

First we'll abstract away the contact specific naming conventions of our views.

	<section data-control="contacts-app">
		<div data-control="searchable-list">
			<input data-control="search-field" type="search" name="keyword" />
			<ul data-control="item-list">
				<!-- individual items go here -->
		<div data-control="contact-detail">
			<!-- details go here -->

We haven't really changed much of the markup, we've only renamed some components to make them more reusable. Now we can implement our reusable view controllers. We can even go a step further and abstract our search field into a simple text field, since our controller doesn't care one way or another if our field is a <input type="search" /> or a <input type="text" />.

The ViewController class gives us many helper functions to clean our code of repetitive behaviors. The getBindings() method can be used to consolidate and auto-bind all the event bindings of the view controller so we no longer need to override the onDidAppear() and onWillDisappear() methods.

This brings us to introduce elements, which are basically views that aren't managed by controllers. Similar to outlets in iOS, adding a custom data-name attribute on an element in a view will make it visible to the view controller. This is specifically helpful when creating auto-bindings via the getBindings() method. Illustrated below, getBindings() should should return an object keyed by the data-name of either the element or child view controller it is bound to. As a value it will take a dictionary keyed by event names with values being the event handlers to execute when that event is fired.

Using 'target' as a selector will match the object itself.

To use jQuery to delegate to events fired on children, immediately follow the data-name with parenthesis containing the selector to match. An example matching all li elements within a <ul data-name="my-list"></ul> would be my-list(li).

Using the above helpers we've abstracted and refactored our prior views to be the following.

var InputFieldController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'input-field'
	getBindings: function() {
		return { 'target': { keypress: true } };
	onKeyPress: function(e) {
		var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
		if (code === 13) {
			var keyword =;'enter', keyword);
var SearchableListController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'searchable-list'
	getBindings: function() {
		return { 'input-field': { 'enter': this.$onSearch } };
	$onSearch: function(e, data) {
var ListController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'item-list';
	filter: function(keyword) {
		var pattern = new RegExp(keyword, 'i');'li').each(function() {
			var text = $(this).text();
			if (!pattern.test(text)) { $(this).addClass('hidden'); }
			else { $(this).removeClass('hidden'); }

We now have an InputFieldController, ListController, and SearchableListController which all can be reused. Notice however that the SearchableListController is still dependent on the other two controllers, and is therefore coupled to their implementation. Specifically, it must have prior knowledge that there will be two child views of type list and input-field. We assume that this level of coupling is appropriate, because our controller's primary responsibility is coordinating between these two components and is tied only to their interfaces, not the components themselves. For example, someone could write a custom ListController that includes set() and get() methods and include it in the view as follows

var MutableListController = ListController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'mutable-list'
	set: function(data) {
		var li = document.createElement('li');
		li.innerHTML = data;
	clear: function() {'li').remove();
	<section data-control="contacts-app">
		<div data-control="searchable-list">
			<input data-control="search-field" type="search" name="keyword" />
			<ul data-control="mutable-list" data-name="list"></ul>
		<div data-control="contact-detail"></div>

As long as the custom MutableListController implements the same methods as the ListController, which the above does because it is subclassing the ListController, there should be no conflicts or changes required to the rest of the code base. We therefore define controllers by the following criteria.

  1. What events do they emit?
  2. What views (data-name attributes) to they require?
  3. What methods do they expose?

Specifically for the controllers we've already built, here are the critera.

Controller Events Views Methods
InputFieldController enter - -
SearchableListController - search-field, list -
ListController - - filter
MutableListController* - - filter, set, clear

The UI module of Clementine provides base implementations of many of these standard views.

Part 5: Tying It All Together

We've managed to put together the left side of a simple contacts application. To finish it off, we'll build two more controllers, our overall application controller, the ContactsAppController, and our controller to manage displaying the contact details, ContactDetailController. We'll also add methods to pass data to our list for rendering. For the moment we'll hold of on talking about how to connect this to a webservice and rely only on mock data. First we'll write out our final view markup.

	<section data-control="contacts-app" data-root="true">
		<div data-control="searchable-list">
			<input data-control="search-field" type="search" name="keyword" />
			<ul data-control="item-list"></ul>
		<div data-control="contact-detail">
			<span class="first-name"></span>
			<span class="last-name"></span>
			<span class="phone"></span>

Notice we've added a new attribute to the contacts-app element, the data-root="true". When we run our application in the browser, this tells Clementine where to start parsing our views with this element. Finally we update our controllers to match the view.

var ContactsAppController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'contacts-app';
	getBindings: function() {
		'searchable-list': { 'select': true; }};
	onDidAppear: function() {

		// our mock data
		var contacts = {
			1: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'D', phone: '333-4411' },
			2: { firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'S', phone: '543-2344' },
			3: { firstName: 'Steph', lastName: 'Y', phone: '342-1222' },
			4: { firstName: 'Kevin', lastName: 'K', phone: '523-2141' }

		// pass to the list


	onSelect: function(e, data) {
var SearchableListController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'searchable-list';
	getBindings: function() {
		return { 'input-field': { 'enter': this.$onSearch } };
	setData: function(data) {
	$onSearch: function(e, data) {
var ListController = ListController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'mutable-list';
	getBindings: function() {
		return { 'li': { 'click': 'onSelect' }};
	setData: function(data) { = data;
		for (var i in data) {
			var li = document.createElement('li'); = i;
			li.innerHTML = data[i].firstName + ' ' + data[i].lastName;;
	onSelect: function(e) {
		var id = $(this).attr('id');'select',[i]);
var ContactDetailController = ViewController.extend({
	getType: function() {
		return 'contact-detail';
	setContact: function(data) {'first-name').text(data.firstName);'last-name').text(data.lastName);'phone').text(;

We've added a select event to the list and passed our mock data to the populate the list items. When the user clicks on an <li> item the select event is fired with a payload of the contact object. This propagates up the hierarchy until it reaches the ContactsAppController. When that controller receives the select event it passes the payload data to the ContactDetailController, which renders it in the view.

Our last step is simply to instantiate the application. We simply create a new config file config.js and reference it in index.html file with a script tag.

<script type="text/javascript" src="config.js">

In our config file, we pass Clementine our overall application's configuration, including name and package dependencies. The execution of this config method will start the load process for Clementine, thus rendering your application.

  "name": "contacts-app",
  "title": "Contacts App",
  "description": "A contact list application",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "required": []

Doing so will automatically bind a listener for our document.onload that will initialize the application once all the page's assets are loaded. In our next tutorial, we'll discuss interacting with web services and defining models.

Part 6: Package Management

This section has been deprecated in favor of using more robust package management tools such as RequireJS or Browserify.

Clementine provides a basic set of dependency resolution tools to manage your code across multiple files. Each module, similar to NodeJS is defined in a file and given a unique identifier. Clementine, unlike other dependency management tools, does not base your module's name on where it's located in your directory structure. To define a module, use the Clementine.add syntax.

Clementine.add('my-module-name', function() {

  // import any dependencies here

  var MyDependency = require('my-dependency');

  // your module's code goes here

  var myCode = function() {
    alert('Do something');

  // expose your module by returning a value
  return myCode;

}, ['my-dependency']);

You can see that Clementine provides the add() method, which takes in a module name, function containing the modules code and an array of dependencies to ensure are loaded prior to the module. The require() method allows the module to access other modules by their name. A note, a module must be referenced in the dependencies array (the third argument for add() for it to be available via the require() method, otherwise you will not be able to guarantee it is loaded. Finally, to export your code, return it out of the module.

Any global dependencies such as your root view controller's file need to be added to the requires array in your config.json in order to have your view controllers loaded prior to parsing the DOM.