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kjschiroo edited this page Mar 1, 2013 · 7 revisions


OnBudget offers users a shopping list based budgeting tool. Users are able to set a budget for a shopping trip and OnBudget maintains a running total for the user as well as an itemized list of expenses. As the user fills their cart in real life they enter items into their phone, and OnBudget keeps track of the details. This app can also be used to track cost fluctuations to allow the user to make better purchasing decisions.

Current Functionality

  • Set a single budget
  • Adjust budget at any point in the trip
  • Add and remove items from cart
  • Ability to set shopping list and price items as they are gathered
  • Toggle between total and remaining balance with a single touch
  • Maintains minimum number of cells on screen by hiding tax when it isn't applicable.
  • User can edit any item they have created by selecting it on screen.
  • Save carts


  1. Add ability to shuffle.
  2. Create a list of common items that can be used to construct shopping lists
  3. Provide the ability to add and remove items from the common items list
  4. Allow for multiple budget/carts to be active at the same time
  5. Allow user to set a custom tax rate
  6. Store data on previous prices of items on previous trips
  7. Provide a previous average price for an item that has been purchased before
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