Learn to write Rust procedural macros [Rust Latam conference, Montevideo Uruguay, March 2019]
Secure & Modern All-in-One Mail Server (IMAP, JMAP, POP3, SMTP)
Command line tool to show clear git graphs arranged for your branching model
SQLSync is a collaborative offline-first wrapper around SQLite. It is designed to synchronize web application state between users, devices, and the edge.
Single stub direct and indirect syscalling with runtime SSN resolving for windows.
Access your postgres database effortlessly from dart code.
Msg is gRPC-based backend for messaging written in golang.
test application with grpc, postgre, clickhouse, kafka and redis
🚀 The correct Flutter starter that helps develop high-quality applications productive and fast
dart-side / stream-bloc
Forked from purplenoodlesoop/stream-blocModern implementation of the Original BLoC
💫 Modern implementation of the original BLoC that uses asynchronous generators to describe relationships between events and states
Professional Social Media Platform for cross-companies staff communication