Leiningen plugin to compile SASS/SCSS files with SassC.
(defproject example "1.0.0"
:plugins [[lein-sassc "0.10.4"]])
Make sure you have a sassc command.
The configuration for sassc is specified under the :sassc
sections of your project.clj
(defproject example "1.0.0"
:sassc [{:src "src/scss/page1.scss" ;; default "src/scss/main.scss"
:output-to "dist/page1.css" ;; default "target/sassc/main.css"
:style "compressed" ;; "nested" or "compressed", default "nested"
:import-path "src/scss"} ;; default "src/scss"
{:src "src/scss/page2.scss"
:output-to "dist/page2.css"}}])
The above configuration run the following commands.
$ sassc -t compressed -I src/scss src/scss/page1.scss dist/page1.css
$ sassc -t nested -I src/scss src/scss/page2.scss dist/page2.css
Multiple source paths may be specified by setting :import-path to a vector:
(defproject example "1.0.0"
:sassc [{:src "src/scss/page1.scss" ;; default "src/scss/main.scss"
:output-to "dist/page1.css" ;; default "target/sassc/main.css"
:style "compressed" ;; "nested" or "compressed", default "nested"
:import-path ["src/scss" "other/scss"]} ;; default "src/scss"
{:src "src/scss/page2.scss"
:output-to "dist/page2.css"}}])
The above configuration results in the following commands:
$ sassc -t compressed -I src/scss -I other/scss src/scss/page1.scss dist/page1.css
$ sassc -t nested -I src/scss -I other/scss src/scss/page2.scss dist/page2.css
Compile your files once:
$ lein sassc once
To delete all the files generated by lein-sassc
$ lein sassc clean
The following hooks are supported by lein-sassc:
$ lein compile
$ lein clean
To enable the hooks, add the following lein to your project.clj
:hooks [leiningen.sassc]
Copyright (C) 2014 [email protected]
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.