A general-purpose Communibase client for node.js projects. It is primarily a Singleton connector doing REST-calls on the Communibase API using a queuing system. It returns A+ promises for Communibase responses. Behaviour is reflected by a PHP-version that can be found at Github.
npm install --save communibase-connector-js
Make sure environment variable exists with your API-key called COMMUNIBASE_KEY
const { Connector } = require('communibase-connector-js');
const cbc = new Connector(process.env.COMMUNIBASE_KEY);
cbc.search('Person', { firstName: 'Tim' }).then((peopleCalledTim) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
If you need to connect to a specific version of the endpoint, you may want to set a environment variable COMMUNIBASE_API_URL
COMMUNIBASE_API_URL= COMMUNIBASE_API_HOST=api.communibase.nl node script.js
The following methods exists, all returning a promise for a result.
"selectors" may be provided MongoDb style.
"params" is a key value store for e.g. fields, limit, page and/or sort . See API docs for more details.
The param includeMetadata
will set a metadata-property on the promise, when available.
cbc.getById(entityType, id, params): Promise for Entity;
cbc.getByIds(entityType, id[], params): Promise for Entity[];
cbc.getAll(entityType, params): Promise for Entity[];
cbc.getId(entityType, selector): Promise for id[];
cbc.getIds(entityType, selector, params): Promise for id[];
cbc.search(entityType, selector, params): Promise for Entity[];
cbc.update(entityType, document): Promise for Entity;
cbc.destroy(entityType, id): Promise for null;
cbc.undelete(entityType, id): Promise for null;
An entity is an plain JavaScript object: a key/value store of data in Communibase, also called "document".
"firstName": "Tim",
"addresses": [
"street": "Breestraat"
The update
-Promise may be rejected if an entity is not considered valid. The Error has one or more of the following properties:
"message": <a simplified error-string>
"code": <http response code of API>
"errors": {
"field": "<string>",
"message": "<string>"
], ...
upload a new file or update an existing one:
* @param {Stream|Buffer|String} resource a stream, buffer or a content-string
* @param {String} name The binary name (i.e. a filename)
* @param {String} destinationPath The "directory location"
* @param {String} id The `File` id to replace the contents of (optional; if not set then creates a new File)
cbc.updateBinary = function updateBinary(resource, name, destinationPath, id) {
create a readable stream:
cbc.createReadStream(fileId) : Stream;
First, find the _id of both the document and the version you are looking for. To find all available versions of a specific document, use
cbc.getHistory(entityType, id) : Promise for VersionInformation[];
Alternatively, you can search the entire history of documents to look for specific properties. e.g.
//Lookup all versions of any person (even deleted documents) ever with first name Tim.
cbc.historySearch('Person', { firstName: 'Tim' }): Promise for VersionInformation[]
VersionInformation has the following structure
- _id - The _id of the version.
- refId - The _id of the original document. You can use this at the regular CRUD endpoint
- updatedAt - The date this version was created
- updatedBy - A human readable description describing who created it
With an _id and a refId, we can lookup that specific version via the API
cbc.getById(entityType, id, params, versionId) : Promise for version of document;
Aggregate document data via Mongodb pipeline. For more information, see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/
cbc.aggregate(entityType, aggregationPipeline);
var participantCounters = cbc.aggregate('Event', [
{ "$match": { "_id": {"$ObjectId": "52f8fb85fae15e6d0806e7c7"} } },
{ "$unwind": "$participants" },
{ "$group": { "_id": "$_id", "participantCount": { "$sum": 1 } } }
A DocumentReference is a unified specification to point to some other (sub-)doucment within the administration. A DocumentReference looks like:
rootDocumentId: '524aca8947bd91000600000c',
rootDocumentEntityType: 'Person',
path: [
field: 'addresses',
objectId: '53440792463cda7161000003'
}, ...
The contents will be parsed and the requested data will be retrieved.
The connector may cache documents locally. To enable in-memory cache for a certain instance of the connector:
cbc.enableCache(communibaseAdministrationId, socketServiceUrl)
Contact Kingsquare for these values in your particular scenario and use with caution: BEWARE of excessive memory usage!