Made with Python and RED.
If you want to see this bot in action, join the LeGeND Family Discord at
- BrawlStats - Brawl Stars band info, profile info and event info.
- clashroyale - Clash Royale clan info, profile info, chest cycle and shop offers.
- drafting - Interactive draft royale cog, pick cards using emojis and create brackets.
- legend - Management system for Legend Clan Family. Used for recruits.
- profanity - filter and delete message that contain bad words.
- tourney - Clash Royale open tournament finder.
- shop - reward people for donations in credits.
- friendlink - Convert Clash Royale Friend Links to Beautiful Embeds.
- clanchest - Clan Chest Leaderboard for a clan family. (obsolete)
- challenges - Emoji, word and math question challenges.
- heist - Clash Royale Themed Heist cog with additional features, port from Jumper-Cogs.
- russianroulette - Russian Roullete styled game with additional features, port from Jumper-Cogs.
- race - Animal race with additional features, port from Jumper-Cogs.
- fourinarow - Four in a row game with additional features, post from Red-Cogs.
- academy - Coaching command for LeGeND Family.
- deck - Clash Royale deck management system with additional features, port from SML-Cogs.
- duels - Clash Royale 1v1 duels with credit bets.
- warlog - Clash Royale Clan War Logs using images.
- fmod - Advanced Warning system by RSNFreud.
- stats - Count Server Statistics on a Voice Channel.
- logging - log messages and reactions to a database.
To install a cog on your bot instance:
[p]cog repo add Legend-Cogs
[p]cog install Legend-Cogs clashroyale