Archivist generates data structure definitions from JSON files for any kind of programming language. It also provides a library for golang to reduce the job of managing runtime configs down to just several lines of code.
- Features
- Getting Started
- Basic Usage Example
- Meta File
- Extended Types: reference, datetime, duration, i18n
- Config Group and Subgroup
- Overwriting Mechanism
- Fast Loading
- Hot Reload
- Hot Patching
- Config Extension
- Backward Compatibility Check
- Whitelist vs Blacklist
- Use Javascript as Data File
- Subcommand: paths
- Subcommand: orphan
- Subcommand: tpls
- Generating Data Structure Definitions for Another Programming Language
- Guess out the most suitable data type for arbitrary JSON field
- Customize data type via .meta file. E.g. replace struct with map[string]...
- Support extended data types via .meta file, including reference, datetime, duration and i18n
- Process .js file in addition to .json file, which is much friendly to edit manually
- Show all node paths and data types with the 'paths' subcommand
- Detect and drop orphan generated files with the 'orphan' subcommand
- Customize code templates, by which any programming language can benefit from
- Load all .json files with only several lines of code
- Select config group and subgroup at runtime
- Support all kinds of config overwriting manners: file-level, content-level, in-memory, etc.
- Support extended data types, including reference, datetime, duration and i18n
- Support hot reload (atomically switch to a whole new config collection)
- Support hot patching
- Support backward compatibility check
- Support whitelist and blacklist
- Support config extension, which stores organized configs
- Thread-safe
Note: To use .js as config file, you must have node.js installed.
Download a binary release suitable for your system, unzip it, and then update your PATH environment variable so that archivist can run from anywhere.
go get -u
go get -u
# To use .js as config file, clone this repository, and then copy cli/script/* to somewhere.
# These scripts are used to convert .js files to .json files.
├── conf
└── json
├── a.json
└── b.json
Content of a.json
"A1": {
"A_Struct": {
"A_Int": 100,
"A_Float": 1.23,
"A_Bool": false,
"A_String": "hello world",
"A_Array": [
"A_Map": {
"1": "hello",
"2": "world"
Content of b.json
"Name": "Edwin",
"Age": 100
"Name": "Alisa",
"Age": 20
archivist generate --outputDir=foo/conf --pkg=conf 'foo/json/*.json'
├── conf
│ ├── aConf.go
│ ├── bConf.go
│ ├── collection.go
│ └── collectionExtension.go
└── json
├── a.json
└── b.json
Code snippet of aConf.go
package conf
type AConf struct {
A1 *AConf_1910679952 `json:"A1" bson:"A1"`
// AConf_1910679952 represents /A1
type AConf_1910679952 struct {
AStruct *AConf_448491524 `json:"A_Struct" bson:"A_Struct"`
// AConf_448491524 represents /A1/A_Struct
type AConf_448491524 struct {
AArray []float64 `json:"A_Array" bson:"A_Array"`
ABool bool `json:"A_Bool" bson:"A_Bool"`
AFloat float64 `json:"A_Float" bson:"A_Float"`
AInt int64 `json:"A_Int" bson:"A_Int"`
AMap map[int64]string `json:"A_Map" bson:"A_Map"`
AString string `json:"A_String" bson:"A_String"`
Code snippet of bConf.go
package conf
type BConf []*BConf_1771430469
// BConf_1771430469 represents /[]
type BConf_1771430469 struct {
Age int64 `json:"Age" bson:"Age"`
Name string `json:"Name" bson:"Name"`
Besides aConf.go
and bConf.go
, archivist generates 2 more files, collection.go
and collectionExtension.go
, to simplify runtime config management.
Code snippet of collection.go
package conf
type Collection struct {
Extension `json:"-"`
filename2Conf map[string]interface{}
AConf AConf
BConf BConf
Code snippet of collectionExtension.go
package conf
func (this *Collection) CompatibleVersions() []string {
// return nil if you do not need backward compatibility check
panic("not implemented yet")
type Extension struct {
Note: It is mandatory to specify a config group with the WATCHER_CONF_GROUP
environment variable.
Create a local
subfolder under foo/json
and put an empty file in it:
├── conf
│ ├── aConf.go
│ ├── collection.go
│ └── collectionExtension.go
└── json
├── a.json
└── local
└── placeholder
// Do NOT forget to set WATCHER_CONF_GROUP=local before running the following code.
// Make sure WATCHER_CONF_GROUP is set
// Create an instance of archivist
ar := archivist.NewArchivist(archivist.WithRoot("foo/json"))
// Load config files
c1, err := ar.LoadCollection(conf.NewCollection)
if err != nil {
// Set the current config collection
// Modify Collection.CompatibleVersions() to let it return nil
// ...
// Get the current config collection
c2, err := ar.FindCollection("")
if err != nil {
// Convert c2 to its actual type
c3 := c2.(*conf.Collection)
// Print out configs
map[1:hello 2:world]
&{100 Edwin}
In most cases, archivist automatically determines the data type of each JSON field. But sometimes, if the data type of guess were not desired, or you prefer to use an extended data type, you may give a .meta file to customize that.
Suppose you have a file abc.json
, and you want to change the data type of a JSON field. Just create a file abc.meta
under the same directory where abc.json
lies in. Archivist will parse it along with abc.json
and apply the instructions in it.
path type comment
- path: path of the field from root. It is not easy to spell out the path of a field, therefore archivist provides a subcommand, paths, to simplify it, with which all you need to do is copy & paste.
- type: data type. Here is the legal types:
int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32
float32, float64
map[int], map[int8], map[int16], map[int32], map[int64]
map[uint], map[uint8], map[uint16], map[uint32]
means reference{}
means struct[]
means arraymap[...]
means map, and its key type is...
- comment: comment for the field (optional)
/[]/Age int32 the number of years someone has lived
/[]/Name string
Sometimes, we need an extra .meta file controlled by someone else other than programmer. For this reason, .suggested.meta file is introduced in. It works in between type guessing and .meta file. In other words, .suggested.meta overrides type guessing and .meta overrides .suggested.meta.
Archivist supports extended data types via .meta file.
It works like the foreign key of relational database. In the following example, the type of MyItem
is ref@d
Content of c.json
"MyItem": 100
Content of c.meta
/MyItem ref@d
Content of d.json
"100": {
"Value": 1000
"200": {
"Value": 2000
During code generation, archivist adds an extra field, MyItemRef
, to CConf
. During config loading, MyItemRef
is bound automatically to its corresponding config item.
Code snippet of cConf.go
type CConf struct {
MyItem int64 `json:"MyItem" bson:"MyItem"`
MyItemRef *DConfItem `json:"-" bson:"-"`
Code snippet of dConf.go
type DConf map[int64]*DConfItem
// DConfItem represents /map[]
type DConfItem struct {
Value int64 `json:"Value" bson:"Value"`
The referenced config file must meet the following criterion: its corresponding type must be map, the key type must be int64 and the value type must be struct.
It helps you decode a datetime string that conforms to ISO 8601 to a language specific data type, e.g. time.Time
in golang. The following example demonstrates how to use the datetime type.
Content of e.json
"when": "2020-01-01T12:00:00Z"
Content of e.meta
/when datetime
Code snippet of eConf.go
type EConf struct {
When time.Time `json:"when" bson:"when"`
It helps you decode a duration string to a language specific data type, e.g. wtime.Duration
in golang. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h", "d". The following example demonstrates how to use the duration type.
Content of f.json
"lifetime": "10d12h15m5s"
Content of f.meta
/lifetime duration
Code snippet of fConf.go
type FConf struct {
Lifetime wtime.Duration `json:"lifetime" bson:"lifetime"`
It is an internationalization helper. Comparing with other extended types, i18n is a little complicated. The following example demonstrates how to use the i18n type.
Content of g.json
"Greetings": "KEY_GREETINGS",
"GreetingsWithName": "XXX_GreetingsWithName",
"Number": "KEY_NUMBER"
Content of g.meta
/Greetings i18n
/GreetingsWithName i18n
/Number i18n
Code snippet of gConf.go
type GConf struct {
Greetings archivist.I18n `json:"Greetings" bson:"Greetings"`
GreetingsWithName archivist.I18n `json:"GreetingsWithName" bson:"GreetingsWithName"`
Number archivist.I18n `json:"Number" bson:"Number"`
Code snippet of some .go
import ""
// ...
trans := map[string]map[string]string{
"en-US": {
"KEY_GREETINGS": "Greetings!",
"XXX_GreetingsWithName": "Greetings {0}!",
"KEY_NUMBER": "Number: {0:0.00}",
"fr-FR": {
"KEY_GREETINGS": "Bonjour!",
"XXX_GreetingsWithName": "Bonjour {0}!",
archivist.ResolveI18n = func(lang, key string) string {
if m1 := trans[lang]; m1 != nil {
if str, ok := m1[key]; ok {
return str
return key
greetingsWithName, _ := c3.GConf.GreetingsWithName.Sprintf("fr-FR", "Edwin")
num, _ := c3.GConf.Number.Sprintf("en-US", 12345.6)
Bonjour Edwin!
Number: 12,345.60
Different operating environments may need different configs more or less. The config files under the root directory are base configs. Config group and subgroup are designed to overwrite base configs at file-level and content-level. By convention, each subfolder under the root directory is a config group and each subfolder under a config group directory is a config subgroup. In the following example, local, develop and release are config groups, subgroup1 and subgroup2 are config subgroups.
├── develop
├── local
└── release
├── subgroup1
└── subgroup2
You can select a config group with the environment variable WATCHER_CONF_GROUP
and a config subgroup with the environment variable WATCHER_CONF_SUBGROUP
. Selecting a config group is always required while selecting a config subgroup is optional.
Read the following section to learn about config overwriting.
- To overwrite a config file at file-level, put a file of the same name under your config group directory. Please note that config subgroup does not support file-level overwriting.
- To overwrite a config file at content-level, put a file of the same basename + [
] under your config group/subgroup directory..local.json
is designed for local changes, which should be ignored by your version control system.
In the example below, overwriting happens in the following sequence:
at file-level.release/a.tweak.json
overwrites the previous result at content-level.release/a.local.json
overwrites the previous result at content-level.
├── a.json
└── release
├── a.json
├── a.local.json
└── a.tweak.json
Sometimes, config data comes from another source other than the file system. In such case, you can organize this kind of data with archivist.Overwrite
and pass them to LoadCollection
. archivist.Overwrite
is always applied at the latest stage.
For more information, please refer to Hot Patching.
| | File-level | Content-level |
| Group | Yes | Yes |
| Subgroup | No | Yes |
| In-memory | Yes | Yes |
- Without in-memory file-level data:
. 1) Base: - - a.json
^ 2) Group - File-level - a.json
^ 3) Group - Content-level - a.tweak.json
^ 4) Group - Content-level - a.local.json
^ 5) Subgroup - Content-level - a.tweak.json
^ 6) Subgroup - Content-level - a.local.json
^ 7) In-memory - Content-level
- With in-memory file-level data:
. 1) Base - - a.json
^ 2) In-memory - File-level
^ 3) In-memory - Content-level
easyjson can dramatically increase the speed of config loading. Turn on --x-easyjson
to enable the benefit.
archivist generate --outputDir=foo/conf --pkg=conf --x-easyjson 'foo/json/*.json'
// Load config files
newColl, err := ar.LoadCollection(conf.NewCollection)
if err != nil {
// Replace the current config collection
With PatchCollection
, you can apply a patch to an existing config collection. This function creates a new collection and reuses existing configs as much as possible. It does not call the reload callback, and it does not update the config extension.
var overwrites []archivist.Overwrite
overwrites = append(overwrites,
FileLevel: false,
Target: "a.json",
Data: []byte(`{
"A1": {
"A_Struct": {
"A_Int": 200
newColl, err := ar.PatchCollection(existingColl, overwrites...)
if err != nil {
Sometimes, raw configs does not fit your needs well. You have to write some code to organize raw configs and store the result for later use. Config extension is designed for that.
Perhaps you have found that archivist generated a new file named collectionExtension.go
and added an Extension
field for the Collection
struct. After the first code generation, archivist will never touch collectionExtension.go
again, so you can update the file freely without worrying about losing your code.
In short, you can organize raw configs with the reload callback, which is invoked each time after LoadCollection
succeeds, and store the result into the Extension
Archivist provides a simple mechanism to check whether the app client needs to upgrade its configs. You can update the CompatibleVersions
function in collectionExtension.go
to return a list of versions that the collection is compatible with, and when you invoke FindCollection
, pass the app client config version to the call. If the version is not compatible with the current collection, an error, archivist.ErrUpgradeNeeded
, is returned.
helps you load only the specified config files.WithBlacklist
helps you ignore the specified config files.
Note: To use .js as config file, you must have node.js installed.
The .js config file must conform to the following format:
module.exports = {
// ...
The archivist command supports .js file while the archivist library does not. Before loading configs, you must convert .js files to .json files and put them into proper directories. Fortunately, two scripts are made to do this. They lies in the cli/script
It is highly recommended to have a look at to get more ideas.
This subcommand shows all the node paths and data types of a .json/.js file.
Usage example:
### archivist paths <file> [flags]
>>> archivist paths foo/json/a.json
Path Type
/ {}
/A1 {}
/A1/A_Struct {}
/A1/A_Struct/A_Array []
/A1/A_Struct/A_Array/[] float64
/A1/A_Struct/A_Bool bool
/A1/A_Struct/A_Float float64
/A1/A_Struct/A_Int int64
/A1/A_Struct/A_Map map[int64]
/A1/A_Struct/A_Map/map[] string
/A1/A_Struct/A_String string
This subcommand finds out (and deletes) orphan files in your code.
### archivist orphan <dataDir> <codeDir> <codeFileExt> [ignore1,ignore2,...] [flags]
>>> archivist orphan foo/json foo/conf '.go' --delete
orphan deleted: foo/conf/xxx.go
This subcommand outputs the built-in code templates.
### archivist tpls [flags]
>>> archivist tpls --outputDir tpls
To use your own code templates, you must specify the --tplDir argument when generating code.
archivist generate --outputDir=foo/conf --pkg=conf --tplDir=code/template/directory 'foo/json/*.json'
- Save the built-in code templates to files with the tpls subcommand.
- Modify code templates according to your needs. Syntax reference:
- Generate code with your own templates.
# Set the file name extension of your code with --codeFileExt
# Set --x-collection=false if you do not need the collection file
# Set --x-collectionExtension=false if you do not need the collection extension file
archivist generate --outputDir=foo/conf --pkg=conf --tplDir=code/template/directory \
--codeFileExt '.cs' 'foo/json/*.json'
Here is the structures and functions exposed to code templates by archivist:
const (
ValueKind_Primitive ValueKind = 1
ValueKind_Struct ValueKind = 2
ValueKind_Map ValueKind = 3
ValueKind_Array ValueKind = 4
ValueKind_Ref ValueKind = 5
// Node contains the meta info of a JSON node.
type Node struct {
Name string
Parent *Node
ValueKind ValueKind
Value struct {
Primitive string
StructFields []*Node
MapKey string
MapValue *Node
ArrayValue *Node
RawRef string
Ref string
Notes string
// structArgs is the object passed to struct.tpl when executing the code template.
type structArgs struct {
Pkg string
Nodes []*Node
// collectionArgs is the object passed to collection.tpl when executing the code template.
type collectionArgs struct {
Pkg string
JSONFiles []string
Structs []string
RevRefGraph map[string][]string
CollectionExtension bool
// collectionExtensionArgs is the object passed to collectionExtension.tpl when executing the
// code template.
type collectionExtensionArgs struct {
Pkg string
// bsonTag returns whether to generate BSON tag for struct field
func bsonTag() bool
// deepToRef scans the specified node and all of its descendents, if the ValueKind of any node is
// reference, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
func deepToRef(node *Node) bool
// deepToStruct scans the specified node and all of its descendents, if the ValueKind of any node
// is struct, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
func deepToStruct(node *Node) bool
// depth is an 'depth' manager.
// If action is "+", it increases 'depth' by 1 and returns an empty string.
// If action is "-", it decreases 'depth' by 1 and returns an empty string.
// If action is "0", it resets 'depth' to 0 and returns an empty string.
// If action is "v", it returns the current value of 'depth'.
func depth(action string) interface{}
// graveAccent always returns "`".
func graveAccent() string
// hasPrefix tests whether the string s begins with prefix.
func hasPrefix(s string, prefix string) bool
// hasSuffix tests whether the string s ends with suffix.
func hasSuffix(s string, suffix string) bool
// jsonFile returns the name of the JSON file being processed, e.g. "a.json".
func jsonFile() string
// lcfirst returns s with the first letter mapped to its lower case.
func lcfirst(s string) string
// lookupStructName returns the struct name of the specified node if its ValueKind is struct.
func lookupStructName(node *Node) string
// shortenRefName shortens refName by removing its suffix, e.g. "aConf" to "a".
func shortenRefName(refName string) string
// stackPop removes a string from the top of the global stack and returns the string.
func stackPop() string
// stackPush pushes string s to the top of the global stack.
func stackPush(s string) string
// toCamel converts string s to the camel case.
func toCamel(s string) string
// toLower returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
func toLower(s string) string
// toPascal converts string s to the pascal case.
func toPascal(s string) string
// toUpper returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper case.
func toUpper(s string) string
// trimPrefix returns s without the provided leading prefix string. If s
// doesn't start with prefix, s is returned unchanged.
func trimPrefix(s string, prefix string) string
// trimSuffix returns s without the provided trailing suffix string. If s
// doesn't end with suffix, s is returned unchanged.
func trimSuffix(s string, suffix string) string
// ucfirst returns s with the first letter mapped to its upper case.
func ucfirst(s string) string
The source code for parsing duration
: Link1, Link2
- Why JSON? Why not YAML, TOML, XML, CSV, Protobuf, ...?
JSON is simple yet good enough. It is widely supported by all kinds of programming languages. It supports hierarchical data structure. You don't have to choose between field and property when you add a piece of data into a struct. JSON files are easy to compare and merge.
JSON is not perfect. It has too many double quotation marks. It does not support comments. The last item in a {}/[] must have no trailing comma. That is why archivist also supports Javascript as an auxiliary format. The data definition syntax of Javascript is very close to JSON.
I'd like to support more file formats, but I have no time to do that. Contribution is welcome :)
- The code templates are too sophisticated. How can I get started?
The built-in code templates for golang are fully functional. You can build your own templates in a much simpler way if you do not need so many features. We have other code templates written for C#
, Lua
and EmmyLua
, but they are tightly coupled with our products and are not proper for opening source.
Here is a hello-world-like code template of struct.tpl
// Code generated by archivist. DO NOT EDIT.
package {{.Pkg}}
{{- range $i, $v := .Nodes}}
type {{toPascal (lookupStructName .)}} struct {}
{{- end}}
For more information, please refer to Generating Data Structure Definitions for Another Programming Language.
- Does archivist support multi-config-version?
No. I abandoned the idea. But you can still make the feature based on archivist. It's not that difficult.
- What does WATCHER mean?
Watcher is our game development solution and archivist is a tiny part of watcher. Watcher is not open source.