The King's Past project explores the most important moments that shaped King's College London and discovers the individuals, organisations, and themes that influenced its journey. Through a comprehensive digital archive, it connects historical records, people, places, and events.
The project is built with modern web technologies focused on performance, accessibility, and maintainability:
- SvelteKit - Web application framework
- - Data model for content structure
- Supabase - PostgreSQL database
- Open Props - CSS custom properties
- Lucide - Icon set
- Unpic - Image optimisation
- Mdsvex - Markdown support with Svelte components
- Svelte Headless Table - Data tables
- MapLibre GL - Map visualization
- Pagefind - Static search indexing
- Static site generation for optimal performance and reduced environmental impact
- Easy deployment to any static hosting platform
The project structure is as follows:
├── .frontmatter/ # Frontmatter content types
├── frontmaid/ # Small utility to generate ER data models from frontmatter content types
├── scripts/ # Utility scripts
├── src/ # Main project source code
│ ├── lib/ # Utility functions and types
│ │ └── assets/ # Static assets such as stylesheets and images
│ ├── components/ # Svelte components
│ ├── supabase/ # Supabase client, functions and types
│ │ └── routes/ # SvelteKit routes
│ └── static/ # Static assets for the production build
└── supabase/ # Supabase project files
- Node.js version 20 or higher
- Supabase CLI (optional, for local development)
Create a .env
file in the root directory with the following variables:
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up git hooks:
npx simple-git-hooks
1.Start the development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
- Generate the search index:
npm run build:pagefind
- Create a production build:
npm run build
- Generate the search index:
npm run build:pagefind
- Or run both commands together:
npm run build:all
To preview the production build locally:
npm run preview
The data model was automatically generated from the frontmatter content types, unsing the frontmaid package in this repository.
languages {
occupations {
placeTypes {
FeatureImageFields {
feature__image image
feature__title string
feature__description string
GeoCoordinatesFields {
geoCoordinates__latitude number
geoCoordinates__longitude number
URLFields {
name string
url string
default {
title string
slug slug
type string
excerpt string
feature__image image
feature__title string
feature__description string
tags tags
donation ||--|| organisation: recipient
donation ||--|| person: agent
donation {
title string
slug slug
price number
priceCurrency string
startTime string
endTime string
event ||--o{ person: attendeePerson
event ||--o{ organisation: attendeeOrganisation
event ||--|| place: location
event ||--|| URLFields: url
event {
title string
slug slug
startDate string
endDate string
tags tags
moment ||--o{ theme: themes
moment {
title string
slug slug
type string
excerpt string
feature__image image
feature__title string
feature__description string
tags tags
organisation ||--|| place: location
organisation ||--|| URLFields: url
organisation ||--|| languages: knowsLanguage
organisation ||--o{ person: funder
organisation ||--o{ organisation: memberOf
organisation ||--o{ moment: subjectOfMoment
organisation ||--o{ theme: subjectOfTheme
organisation {
title string
slug slug
type string
alternateName string
foundingDate number
dissolutionDate number
feature__image image
feature__title string
feature__description string
tags tags
person ||--|| URLFields: url
person ||--|| languages: knowsLanguage
person ||--|| occupations: hasOccupation
person ||--o{ person: knows
person ||--o{ organisation: memberOf
person ||--o{ moment: subjectOfMoment
person ||--o{ theme: subjectOfTheme
person {
title string
slug slug
type string
alternateName string
feature__image image
feature__title string
feature__description string
tags tags
place ||--|| placeTypes: additionalType
place ||--|| URLFields: url
place {
title string
slug slug
alternateName string
type string
geoCoordinates__latitude number
geoCoordinates__longitude number
feature__image image
feature__title string
feature__description string
tags tags
theme {
title string
slug slug
type string
feature__image image
feature__title string
feature__description string
tags tags