This is a personal portfolio template built with ReactJS, Material-UI (MUI), Framer Motion, React Router DOM, and is linted with ESLint. It includes Husky for pre-commit checks. You can use this project as your personal portfolio by cloning it and customizing it as per your needs.
- Responsive design using MUI
- Smooth animations with Framer Motion
- Routing with React Router DOM
- Code quality ensured by ESLint and Husky
- Ready to be customized and deployed
- Demo
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
Check out the live demo of this portfolio template here: Live demo
Clone the repository and install the dependencies.
git clone
cd react-porfolio
To start the development server, run the following command:
yarn start
This will run the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- Pages and Components: Modify the content in the src/components folders to fit your personal details and projects.
- Animations: Use Framer Motion to customize animations or add new ones.
- Styling: The project uses Material-UI (MUI) for styling. Modify existing components or add new ones as needed.
- Routing: Manage your routes in src/App.js using React Router DOM.
To create a production build, use:
yarn build
This project is open to contributions! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature)
- Open a pull request Before committing, ensure that your code passes the linting checks:
yarn lint
The project uses Husky to automatically run linting before every commit.
Feel free to report issues and bugs by opening an issue on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it as your own.
📫 Reach me out!