Annotation processor for Spigot- and BungeeCord-Plugins
This dependency adds an annotation preprocessor to your project which generates the plugin.yml
and bungee.yml
for you.
The project is hosted on jCenter
and Maven Central
To use it simply add the dependency to your project as described below. After this you can start annotating your plugin main classes with @Plugin.
For example:
import eu.hexagonmc.spigot.annotation.plugin.Plugin;
@Plugin(name = "MyPlugin", version = "1.0", description = "My simple plugin")
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
Add the repository to your build.gradle
repositories {
Add the dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
compileOnly group: 'eu.hexagonmc', name: 'spigot-annotations', version: '1.0'
Add the dependency to your pom.xml
Add the resolver to your ivysettings.xml
<ibiblio name='central' m2compatible='true'/>
Add the dependency to your ivy.xml
<ivy-module version="1.0">
<dependency org='eu.hexagonmc' name='spigot-annotations' rev='1.0'>
<artifact name='spigot-annotations' m:classifier='' ext='jar' />