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a fullstack github pages portfolio webdesign project hosted by namecheap


    • There is currently a issue with the site page in Windows 11 software/hardware environments
  • Web Design Using

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript
    • PHP
    • YAML


  • Completed three-band worming for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sections, separating into their script languages
  • Currently adding my own custom 404 matrix page for unlinked page sites
  • Currently adding playable game design prototypes to sub-domains
    • Treasure Cave
    • bubblesCollide
    • O'Hare Crossword Puzzle
  • Adding code to implement secure PHP in stopping E-mail Injections
  • Adding a Web Design Brief
  • Adding a Web Design Case Study

My Contact Form

Currently in PROTOTYPE. Uses an email validation to ensure the symbol @ is used. Uses the PHP mail() function to send emails. With the PHP mail() function, emails are sent directly to my web server, to an email account that was created within cPanel, hosted on my server, that uses a local mail exchanger.

Git AutoDeployment

Currently in TEST. My Git™ Version Control Push Deployment feature allows for use to easily host Git repositories in cPanel. Git allows for the maintaining of any set of files (for example, a website’s files and assets, a software development project, or simple text files), and the YAML file determines how and where the changed files deploy.

Known Issues

  • There is a issue with the headshot image not displaying properly in the NEW Windows 11 Software/Hardware environment, though the headshot image is displaying properly in my Debian, Kali Linux and Windows 10 laptop environments
  • The SSL Certificate is at times not auto-renewed which causes a website cannot be displayed warning banner, continuing to the site through the advanced option is still safe
  • There is a new issue with the portfolio column content now displaying as an overlay, over the black background, in the hamMenu
  • There is a known issue with the positioning of the File Icons located in the section
  • There are known site functionality issues while using the Firefox Web Browser
  • There is a known issue with the hamburger menu__menu box closeNav() where it doesn't close properly during onClick()
  • There is a known issue where the hamburger menu icon disappears during closeNav() and autoscroll during hyperlink
  • There is known issue with the images in the left column, when hovered, display behind the images in the right column, instead of displaying on top
  • Some of the file icons located in the portfolio section display 404 Errors when clicking the simpleicon
  • The underscore to the left of the linkedin icon in the footer still displays even though text-decoration set to none

Version Control

Version Date Author Change Description
1.0 11NOV2022 Joshua Kidder Created GitHub repository and namecheap domain hosting, added CNAME file, established website, website design (front-end) began
1.1 28NOV2022 Joshua Kidder Created .php file (back-end), added php mail() function
1.1 01DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Ported to test project php services, uploaded package to cPanel, began configuration of php services on namecheap, configured web hosting, added MX record, added A records pointing to github, updated CNAME to point at github
1.2 02DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Updated php mail() function
1.2 02DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Updated MX record, temp removed 404.html
1.2 02DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Prototype php mail() function services
1.3 04DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Resolved conflicting A Records, updated CNAME, and integrated git into namecheap
1.3 05DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Updated the php mail() function, resolved mail subject and from email reference; updated the CV file and anchor link
1.4 06DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Added standard email validation in contact form by changing type="text" to type="email" when clicking SEND MESSAGE button
1.4 07DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Updated, restructured, updated, updated viewable CV, updated contact form adding name-email-subject-message as required when clicking SEND MESSAGE button, updated footer icons following best practices for brand logos
2.0 20DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Separated into three-band stylesheet, creating design.css and function.js, added css and javascript stylesheet links to index.html
2.1 20DEC2022 Joshua Kidder Installed XAMPP Control Panel
2.2 06JAN2023 Joshua Kidder Fixed download button functionality
BUGFIX 07JAN2023 Joshua Kidder BUGFIX!!!Site Styling Now Displaying
2.3 07JAN2023 Joshua Kidder Fixed error "li elements must be contained in a ul or ol" in lines 41-47
2.3 07JAN2023 Joshua Kidder Fixed errors "Images must have alternate text: Element has no title attribute", adding screen reader descriptive alt text to lines 92, 98, 104, 109, 117, 123, 137, 143, 149, 158, 164, 170, 172, 181, 187, 193, 201, 207, 213, 216, 219, 221, 229, 235, 241, 245, 252, 258, 274, 280, 286, 288, 423
2.3 07JAN2023 Joshua Kidder Fixed errors "Link 'rel' attribute should include 'noopener'", adding rel="noopener" tag in lines 459-460
2.4 31MAR2023 Joshua Kidder Fixed an issue with my mail forwarder, stemming from namecheap, in CPANEL
2.4 11APR2023 Joshua Kidder Added Google Analytics Manager to index.html
2.4 11APR2023 Joshua Kidder Added Google Adsense to index.html; Added ads.txt to repository, and to domain root directory in cPanel for Crawler access
2.5 18JUL2023 Joshua Kidder Added .cpanel.yml to top-level directory for Git autoDeployment functionality
2.5 18JUL2023 Joshua Kidder Added list of dictionary words
2.5 18JUL2023 Joshua Kidder updated ___.html, ___CV, and _Resume files
2.5 18JUL2023 Joshua Kidder Fixed errors at line 52 (and 35) of ___.html "Form elements must have labels: Form element does not have an explicit Element has no title attribute Element has no placeholder attribute


a portfolio project | hosted by github and namecheap







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