This is a small script for doing mass SSH operations on servers. There are currently three components to it, sshdo, put, and get. The servers are located in files in the lists subdirectory. If you enter a list name when it prompts for servers it will use all hosts listed in that file. The files should be 1 host per line. You can also maually type in the hosts at the Servers prompt (space delimited).
- Paramiko
- Ansicolors
Use pip to install these or do it manually.
###Usage usage: sshdov2.py [-h] [--put PUT] [--get GET] [--debug]
Run a command or sftp on many servers. Only sshdo operations are logged, put and get are not logged since there is generally no output. Running without put or get allows for ssh operation.
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --put PUT Use sftp to put files --get GET Use sftp to get files. Files are prefixed with the hostname they are from. --debug Enables paramiko debug logging. Goes to logs/debug.log
###sshdo Usage: ./sshdo.py Executes the given command on all hosts in the list or typed in.
###put Usage: ./sshdo.py --put This sftp's the given file to the given location on all remote hosts in the list or typed in manually.
###get Usage: ./sshdo --get SFTPs the given file from each server to the given location on the host you are running sshdo on. It will prefix the file name with the host/ip you connected to the remote host with.
- 1/18/2016
- Cleaned up code. Reduced all code to 1 file.
- Removed base64 module
- It now requires shutil, argparse, and tarfile modules
- Fixed Logging
- Added log compression. It tar/gzips the log folders older than 4 operations. You can change this value by setting the untar variable in the script.
- Prints list at end of script for failed hosts
- Prints log directory for current operation at end of script
- Now uses full paths for files so that you can execute sshdo from outside it's own directory
- More exception handling
- Option to disable logging
- Threading option