- Git
- Node.js v6.x.x
- Builds your project into the /public folder
npm run build
- Builds your project into the /public folder with debug mode
npm run build:debug
- Launches Browsersync which will start your project in the default browser
npm run start
- Runs static type checking both on JS and SCSS
npm run lint
- Runs static type checking on JS
npm run eslint
- Runs static type checking on SCSS
npm run stylelint
- Runs the unit tests under /test directory
npm run test
- Launches a local server that will run the unit tests every time code changes are made
npm run test:watch
- Runs the unit tests and the code coverage ( it outputs the results both in console and in html under /coverage directory)
npm run cover
- Launches a local server that will run the unit tests and the code coverage every time code changes are made
npm run cover:watch
- Runs a check on the code coverage , if the any of the percentages are below the limits this command will fail
npm run check-coverage
- Cleans your project ( Deletes Dist & node_modules directories )
npm run clean