The main goal for this tool is to create dummy entities in Kong ASAP!
git clone
cd kong-entities-generator
go mod init
To create dummy entities, change below parameter in main.go
// To set number of entities
const PER_ENTITY_NUM_S = 2
const PER_ENTITY_NUM_R = 2
const PER_ENTITY_NUM_P = 0
const PER_ENTITY_NUM_C = 0
const PER_ENTITY_NUM_U = 0
// To set which entities to be created.
// Please comment out unwanted functions in `main()` that will create the entities.
// Below example will only create Services and Routes.
benchServices(kc, entities)
benchRoutes(kc, entities)
// benchPlugins(kc, entities)
// benchConsumers(kc, entities)
// benchUpstreams(kc, entities)
run below command
go run main.go -admin-api= -auth=kong_admin:kong
Use -workspace-num
# commmand below will create 3 workspaces with set number of entities
go run main.go -admin-api= -auth=kong_admin:kong -workspace-num 3
Use route-number-per-service
# commmand below will create 15 routes for each service set
go run main.go -admin-api= -auth=kong_admin:kong -route-number-per-service 15