A GnuPG/GPG/OpenPGP encryption plugin for Outlook 2010, 2013 and 2016. Supports both 32 and 64bit versions of Outlook.
Outlook Privacy Plugin is a security extension for Outlook. It enables Outlook to send and receive email messages that are encrypted and/or signed with the OpenPGP standard. It uses your existing GnuPG/GPG keyrings.
This plugin is fairly stable and is used daily by numerous people. We have just started translating into different languages. If your interested in contributing a translation for an unsupported language please see issue #27.
See the releases page for downloads and release notes.
Download the latest release from the the releases page.
Install gpg4win and import or create keys as needed. Verify you can see all expected keys from the gpg4win key manager software.
Gpg4win is not required, but highly recommended.
Outlook Privacy Plugin should automatically find your keyrings. However, if they are located in a non-standard location or gpg4win is not being used, a custom location for keyrings can be set via the GNUPGHOME environmental variable. After setting the environmental variable, Outlook must be restarted.
Supports the following versions of Outlook
Microsoft Outlook 2010
Microsoft Outlook 2013
Microsoft Outlook 2016
Support for both 32bit & 64bit versions of Office
Encrypt and decrypt email using OpenPGP standard
Supports encrypted attachments
Supports multiple recipients
Decrypts PGP/MIME
Decrypts OpenPGP blocks in HTML email
Decrypts HTML emails
Multiple email accounts (based on sender/receiver email)
Attach public key to emails
For common install and usage issues see the following wiki pages: