Project is developed as an assignment for Advanced Databases course in Innopolis University
Node storage:
Relationship storage:
Property storage:
Apple macOS: Install Go
Microsoft Windows: Install Go
Linux: Install Go
$ git clone
$ go build ./cmd/graph-db/
$ ./graph-db
$ go test ./... -cover
Example of API usage is attached in "main.go" file.
API calls are described in package "/api" in "storage-controller.go" file:
- takes two parameters: database title and db mode ("local", "distributed")api.SwitchDatabase
- parameter is database title. Switches only if database exist.api.DropDatabase
- parameter is database title. Drops database if it exists.api.CreateNode
- parameter is title/label of node. Creates new node and writes it into database.api.CreateRelationship
- takes three parameters: pointer on two nodes, which are in relationships and title of relationship. Method created a new relationship for two nodes.api.CreatePropertyForNode
- takes four parameters: pointer on node, title of property, type of property value and value itself. Value type could be the following: 0 - integer, 1 - double, 2 - string. Method creates a property for a given node.api.CreatePropertyForRelationship
- same parameters as in previous method. Creates a property for given relationship.api.GetNode
- parameter is id of searched node. Returns pointer on node, which is searched by id.api.DeleteNode
- parameter is id of node, which should be deleted. Sets node as deleted in database.