[Superfluid - Continuously deploy ECS Cluster w/ Sentinel]
This is a CI/CD project to continuously deploy a Superfluid Sentinel (The sentinel monitors the state of Superfluid agreements on the configured network and liquidates critical agreements) image to an Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) via Terraform.
I also created some other structures in which are not being managed on this repository (Identity Provider to allow Github Actions perform what is necessary regarding create/delete infra into AWS) and the S3 Bucket for the Terrform State (This is a remote tf project, this means that the tf.state is being stored remotely into a S3 Bucket)
ββ README.md
ββ .gitignore
βββ .extra
β βββ nix
β β βββ superfluid-sentinel.nix
β βββ aws
β βββ role-trusted-entity.json
βββ .github/workflows
β βββ terraform-ci.yml # Main CI/CD file w/ branch rules
βββ terraform
β βββ modules
β β βββ vpc
β β βββ main.tf
β β βββ variables.tf
β β βββ ecs
β β βββ main.tf
β β βββ subnets.tf
β β βββ internet-gateway.tf
β β βββ outputs.tf
β β βββ variables.tf
β β βββ loadbalancer.tf # Optional Configs for ALB
β β βββ ecs-task
β β βββ execution-role.tf
β β βββ security-group.tf
β β βββ cloudwatch.tf
β β βββ service.tf
β β βββ variables.tf
β β βββ task-definition.tf
β βββ main.tf
β βββ providers.tf
β βββ variables.tf
β βββ .gitignore
To run the CI/CD w/ GT Actions for remote Terraform projects, we store the tf.state into a s3 bucket. But in order to access it (also create/delete structures), i created an AWS Identity provider (not managed on this repo) for Git. For this reason, we must to create the secrets bellow on Github actions:
We are using a S3 Bucket to store the tf.state. You can take a better look into the architecture bellow:
> Open ID protocol with AWS Identity ProviderThis solution is designed to read images from an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) and use it into the Task Definition. For this example, i deployed (not managed on this repo) the Superfluid Sentinel image to my own ECR repo and gave access for the ECS (security group for task execution role) access it
Code example:
container_definitions = <<DEFINITION
"image": "public.ecr.aws/i0x4j1n5/superfluid-sentinel:latest", # HERE WE HAVE THE ECR REPO
"cpu": 256,
"memory": 1024,
"name": "superfluid-sentinel",
One of the most important things related to the Superfluid Sentinel is the Log visualization. For this reason, i also deployed a private CloudWatch Log Group for our ECS app. This way we can check the logs in real time.
Example of Superfluid Sentinel logs for Polygon Mainnet RPC
I also created a SNS (Amazon Simple Notification Service) topic to deliver notifications via e-mail. For it, we also have Metrics Alarms in order to compare metrics (on our case i created a Alarm to verify if we do have at least 1 running instance of Sentinel's image on our ECS Cluster) and generate data.
CloudWatch Alarm
And here we have an example of the sent e-mail:
Example of the AWS e-mail when our Sentinel's image is not "Running" into our ECS Cluster
This project also have a LoadBalancer module (in which is commented on terraform/modules/ecs/loadbalancer.tf)