Prepare CI Run
Unit Tests (lifecycle-operator, lifecycle-operator/)
Unit Tests (metrics-operator, metrics-operator/)
Unit Tests (scheduler, scheduler/)
Unit Tests (certificate-operator, keptn-cert-manager/)
Build Docker Image (lifecycle-operator, lifecycle-operator/)
Build Docker Image (metrics-operator, metrics-operator/)
Build Docker Image (scheduler, scheduler/)
Build Docker Image (deno-runtime, runtimes/deno-runtime/)
Build Docker Image (python-runtime, runtimes/python-runtime/)
Build Docker Image (certificate-operator, keptn-cert-manager/)
Store tag of the built images
Component Tests
Integration Tests (gates_on, allowed_ns_on, cert_manager_io_on)
Integration Tests (gates_on, allowed_ns_on, cert_manager_io_off)
Integration Tests (gates_on, allowed_ns_off, cert_manager_io_on)
Integration Tests (gates_on, allowed_ns_off, cert_manager_io_off)
Integration Tests (gates_off, allowed_ns_on, cert_manager_io_on)
Integration Tests (gates_off, allowed_ns_on, cert_manager_io_off)
Integration Tests (gates_off, allowed_ns_off, cert_manager_io_on)
Integration Tests (gates_off, allowed_ns_off, cert_manager_io_off)
Load Tests
End to End Tests
Publish helm chart changes to charts repo
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.
You can’t perform that action at this time.