Authing is an IDaaS which is created by Ivy.
Make sure you have a working Go environment. To install authing-go-sdk
, simply run:
go get
package main
import (
const (
clientID = "5adb75e03055230001023b26"
appSecret = "e683d18f9d597317d43d7a6522615b9d"
func main() {
client := authing.NewClient(clientID, appSecret, false)
// Enable debug info for graphql client, just comment it if you want to disable the debug info
client.Client.Log = func(s string) { log.Println(s) }
// >>>Graphql Mutation: register
input := authing.UserRegisterInput{
Email: graphql.String("[email protected]"),
Password: graphql.String("password"),
RegisterInClient: graphql.String(clientID),
m, err := client.Register(&input)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Register failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
// oauthClient := authing.NewOauthClient(clientID, appSecret, false)
// Enable debug info for graphql client, just comment it if you want to disable the debug info
// oauthClient.Client.Log = func(s string) { log.Println(s) }
// >>>>Graphql Query: Read OAuth List
// readOauthListQueryParameter := authing.ReadOauthListQueryParameter{
// ClientID: graphql.String(clientID),
// DontGetURL: graphql.Boolean(false),
// }
// q, err := oauthClient.ReadOauthList(&readOauthListQueryParameter)
// if err != nil {
// log.Println(">>>>Read OAuth List failed: " + err.Error())
// } else {
// printJSON(q)
// }
// printJSON prints v as JSON encoded with indent to stdout. It panics on any error.
func printJSON(v interface{}) {
w := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
w.SetIndent("", "\t")
err := w.Encode(v)
if err != nil {
- Please register
account on the official site.Authing Register/Login - Read the official developer document.Authing Developer Docs
- Create new application following the guide and save the
from the Dashboard.Create New Application
Please create a user endpoint client first.Then you can do a series of operations for user.
client := authing.NewClient(clientID, appSecret, false)
// Enable debug info for graphql client, just comment it if you want to disable the debug info
client.Client.Log = func(s string) { log.Println(s) }
input := authing.UserRegisterInput{
Email: graphql.String("[email protected]"),
Password: graphql.String("password"),
RegisterInClient: graphql.String(clientID),
m, err := client.Register(&input)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Register failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
loginInput := authing.UserLoginInput{
Email: graphql.String("[email protected]"),
Password: graphql.String("password!"),
RegisterInClient: graphql.String(clientID),
m, err := client.Login(&loginInput)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Login failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
userID := string(m.Login.ID)
q, err := client.CheckLoginStatus()
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Check login status failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
p := authing.UserQueryParameter{
ID: graphql.String("5ae3d830f0db4b000117a95e"),
RegisterInClient: graphql.String(clientID),
q, err := client.User(&p)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Query user failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
p := authing.UsersQueryParameter{
RegisterInClient: graphql.String(clientID),
Page: graphql.Int(1),
Count: graphql.Int(10),
q, err := client.Users(&p)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Query users failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
removeUsersInput := authing.RemoveUsersInput{
IDs: []graphql.String{"111", "222"}, // NOTE: Please use your real user IDs
RegisterInClient: graphql.String(clientID),
// Operator should be your `` account ID
// Operator: graphql.String("5adb75be3055230001023b20"), // no more needed
// UserID Validation
for i, id := range removeUsersInput.IDs {
re := regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$")
if !re.MatchString(string(id)) {
log.Fatalf(">>>> user ID is invalid ,index: %d, id: %s", i, id)
m, err := client.RemoveUsers(&removeUsersInput)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Remove users failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
userUpdateInput := authing.UserUpdateInput{
ID: graphql.String("5ae3d830f0db4b000117a95e"), // Mandotory in struct
Username: graphql.String("kelvinji2009x"),
Nickname: graphql.String("Sicario13th"),
Phone: graphql.String("18665308994"),
RegisterInClient: graphql.String(clientID),
m, err := client.UpdateUser(&userUpdateInput)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Update user failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
sendVerifyEmailInput := authing.SendVerifyEmailInput{
Email: graphql.String("[email protected]"),
Client: graphql.String(clientID),
err := client.SendVerifyEmail(&sendVerifyEmailInput)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Send verify email failed: " + err.Error())
sendResetPasswordEmailInput := authing.SendResetPasswordEmailInput{
Client: graphql.String(clientID),
Email: graphql.String("[email protected]"),
err := client.SendResetPasswordEmail(&sendResetPasswordEmailInput)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Send reset password email failed: " + err.Error())
verifyResetPasswordVerifyCodeInput := authing.VerifyResetPasswordVerifyCodeInput{
Client: graphql.String(clientID),
Email: graphql.String("[email protected]"),
VerifyCode: graphql.String("7670"),
err := client.VerifyResetPasswordVerifyCode(&verifyResetPasswordVerifyCodeInput)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Verify reset passwod verify code failed: " + err.Error())
changePasswordInput := authing.ChangePasswordInput{
Client: graphql.String(clientID),
Email: graphql.String("[email protected]"),
VerifyCode: graphql.String("7670"),
Password: graphql.String("password!"),
err := client.ChangePassword(&changePasswordInput)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Change password failed: " + err.Error())
Please create an oauth endpoint client first.
oauthClient := authing.NewOauthClient(clientID, appSecret, false)
// Enable debug info for graphql client, just comment it if you want to disable the debug info
oauthClient.Client.Log = func(s string) { log.Println(s) }
readOauthListQueryParameter := authing.ReadOauthListQueryParameter{
ClientID: graphql.String(clientID),
DontGetURL: graphql.Boolean(false),
q, err := oauthClient.ReadOauthList(&readOauthListQueryParameter)
if err != nil {
log.Println(">>>>Read OAuth List failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
- More detailed API usages and documents
- Travis CI support