A simple Codeigniter flash messaging library. Compatible only with bootstrap.
1- Load the library
2- Set the flash message
$this->flasher->set_message('This is test message', 'success');
If you want to redirect another page pass the url as third parameter;
$this->flasher->set_message('This is test message', 'success', '/other_page_url');
3- Set the flash message by notification type
$this->flasher->set_success('This is success.');
$this->flasher->set_info('This is info.');
$this->flasher->set_warning('This is warning');
$this->flasher->set_danger('This is danger');
4- Get the flash message with styling
It will return an output like this;
<div class="alert alert-success">This is test message</div>
5- Get the flash message as an array