Simple isc-dhcp-leases file parser written in scala. Utilizes combinator-parsing module from scala.util
. It allows to map content of /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
file into simple scala's case classes structure.
Library allows to map dhcpd.leases
content like:
lease {
starts 2 2016/10/18 10:16:46;
ends 2 2016/10/18 10:21:46;
cltt 2 2016/10/18 10:16:46;
binding state active;
next binding state free;
rewind binding state free;
hardware ethernet 54:ab:aa:36:b4:e1;
client-hostname "other";
lease {
starts 2 2016/10/18 10:17:05;
ends 2 2016/10/18 10:22:05;
cltt 2 2016/10/18 10:17:05;
binding state active;
next binding state free;
rewind binding state free;
hardware ethernet c0:aa:d5:65:cc:f4;
set mac_addr = "c0:aa:d5:65:cc:f4";
set ip_addr = "";
set lease_hostname = "abc";
client-hostname "abc";
on expiry {
execute ("/usr/bin/python", "/home/kczulko/", "--param", ip_addr, "--otherParam", "expiry", "--hostname", lease_hostname, "--mac-address", mac_addr);
on release {
execute ("/usr/bin/python", "/home/kczulko/", "--param", ip_addr, "--otherParam", "release", "--hostname", lease_hostname, "--mac-address", mac_addr);
into following scala's case classes hierarchy:
leases = Seq(
ip = Ip(""),
notifications = List(
Notification("starts", Map(
"id" -> "2",
"date" -> "2016/10/18",
"time" -> "10:16:46"
Notification("ends", Map(
"id" -> "2",
"date" -> "2016/10/18",
"time" -> "10:21:46"
Notification("cltt", Map(
"id" -> "2",
"date" -> "2016/10/18",
"time" -> "10:16:46"
bindingState = Some(BindingState("active")),
extendedBindingStates = List(
ExtendedBindingState("next", "free"),
ExtendedBindingState("rewind", "free")
hardwareEthernet = Some(HardwareEthernet("54:ab:aa:36:b4:e1")),
clientHostname = Some(ClientHostname("\"other\""))
ip = Ip(""),
notifications = List(
Notification("starts", Map(
"id" -> "2",
"date" -> "2016/10/18",
"time" -> "10:17:05"
bindingState = Some(BindingState("active")),
extendedBindingStates = List(
ExtendedBindingState("next", "free"),
ExtendedBindingState("rewind", "free")
hardwareEthernet = Some(HardwareEthernet("c0:aa:d5:65:cc:f4")),
variables = Set(
Variable("""mac_addr = "c0:aa:d5:65:cc:f4""""),
Variable("""ip_addr = """""),
Variable("""lease_hostname = "abc"""")
clientHostname = Some(ClientHostname("\"abc\"")),
onEvent = List(
OnEvent("expiry", List(
"""execute ("/usr/bin/python", "/home/kczulko/", "--param", ip_addr, "--otherParam", "expiry", "--hostname", lease_hostname, "--mac-address", mac_addr)"""
OnEvent("release", List(
"""execute ("/usr/bin/python", "/home/kczulko/", "--param", ip_addr, "--otherParam", "release", "--hostname", lease_hostname, "--mac-address", mac_addr)"""
serverDuid = None
Parser is aware of following tokens within simple lease entry:
mapped toNotification
classbinding state
mapped toBindingState
class(next | rewind) binding state
mapped toExtendedBindingState
classhardware ethernet
mapped toHardwareEthernet
mapped toSet[String]
mapped toClientHostname
classon (expiry | release | commit)
mapped toOnEvent
Tokens other than mentioned above will be ignored.
On the other hand, parser expects only lease
or server-duid
tokens on the root level of dhcpd.leases
file content.
With a little help of scala-arm.
import com.github.kczulko.isc.dhcp.Grammar
import resource.managed
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) =
for { file <- managed(Source.fromFile("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases")) }
Grammar(file getLines() mkString "\n") match {
case Right(result) => // launch your rocket here
case _ => // oops!!! open pull request ;)
Currently available only snapshot version for scala 2.12.
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.kczulko" %% "isc-dhcp-leases-parser" % "1.0-SNAPSHOT"